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God Are you Listening?

God are you listening?
I have a request

Other's never notice
I always try my best

People might wonder
And maybe me too

Can I ask for help
Don't know what to do

I am struggling
with so many things

I need your help Lord
For tears this sure brings

I can't cope much more
For trying my best

It goes unnoticed
I'm told I have no zest

Feeling so discouraged
I know you love me

Only from you Lord
Can I really see

Love is unconditional
For being with you

I know is better
This I know is true

Virginia Carty

June 17,2001

Awesome God

Just Come In

A Rose is A Rose


My Place in this World

Joy In The Journey

Holding Me

All Because Of You

Something New

This Is My Heart's Cry

My Place is With You

I Will Be Free

Send Out A Prayer

I Cry

Listen To Our Hearts

My Life Is In Your Hands

I Will Be There

Face Of Love

Table Cloth

A Reason A Season A Lifetime

Empty Chair

Grandma's Porch

If I could See the World


The Difference

Listen To Your Home

Centre of the Bible God Are You Listening?

Your Cross

Only God Knows

God Rocks

Wooden Bowl

The Big Wheel

Jai Cooley

Site Map

Unassigned Paintings

Journey of Hope

I'll Help You Cry

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