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A childs first breath -

A childs first breath - a sound unforgettable.
The laughter years later, and the cries of scuffed knees.
Growing pains and tears.
A never ending need.
A growing love for friends and family.
A never ending need.
Lightening crashes and thunder rolls..
Taking its toll upon childrens dreams.
Making nightmares a reality.
"Mommy Daddy comfort me".. a never ending need.
High school dances and prom night too.
Storms rolling in and winds changing the pace.
Another path taken.
Which one she yells to the wind.
Which path to take???
To the end of the earth and back...
A safety of home..
A new dream a new day beginning..
A never ending need.
The feeling of being free.
A never ending need.
Miracles happen and children are born.
Family are lost and found again.
Paths are taken and mistakes happen.
A part of life.
Sometimes unforgiveable.
But always a love.
A bond.
Something friends know and family members show.
A never ending need.
Lifting spirits high and taking what life has to give.
Crying on shoulders and wiping tears.
Holding hands and being close.
A never ending need.
Walk with me my friend.
You are a never ending need.
Storms and tapered seas.
Mountains we will climb.
Winds will carry us to the tops of the trees.
Hold my hand my friend.
There is nothing I wouldn't do.
A never ending need.
A part of our hearts and a part of our lives.
A never ending need.
Together we conquer all.
We endure all.
We face all.
Together we are a never ending need.
Together we live life to the fullest facing all.
A never ending need.
A friend, Family, a love.
Together we are a need finally met.
We share many triumphs and sometimes we lose many battles.
But no matter what we lend a hand
We lend a shoulder
We share secrets, pains and more.
My heart reaches out to all of you.
My thoughts will carry you.
And my prayers, may God protect you!

This poem was written by Jai Cooley
Visit Jai's page for more poetry

See Who Came Here Before You
Let me know you were here and leave your mark in the book!

Awesome God

Just Come In

A Rose is A Rose


My Place in this World

Joy In The Journey

Holding Me

All Because Of You

Something New

This Is My Heart's Cry

My Place is With You

I Will Be Free

Send Out A Prayer

I Cry

Listen To Our Hearts

My Life Is In Your Hands

I Will Be There

Face Of Love

Table Cloth

A Reason A Season A Lifetime

Empty Chair

Grandma's Porch

If I could See the World


The Difference

Listen To Your Home

Centre of the Bible God Are You Listening?

Your Cross

Only God Knows

God Rocks

Wooden Bowl

The Big Wheel

Jai Cooley

Site Map

Unassigned Paintings

Journey of Hope

I'll Help You Cry

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