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"let me see that thong..."

well, its almost summer time and the temp is rising...juss the otha day one of my friends who was pretty dark already spent the whole day out at the beach and came back to me tellin me that she had gotten burned by the sun...first thing i thought she had to be lyin...when the last time you eva heard of a black, and i'm talkin REAL dark, person gettin sunburn?? hardly eva, righ? i mean i was thinkn it was impossible...but sho nuf she gotten burned up on her arm...but to get on the subject, one thing that will definitely characterize Summer 2000 will be "the thong"...i mean, to speak my mind, i don't really see what the big hype is ova it...erybody goin round talkin bout "thong this" and "thong that"...i mean, not to sound like a smart asz, but havent thongs been around for a loooong time? i mean its not like its a new invention, but alla sudden someone come out with a song bout showin your thong and boom its the new trend..."that thong the thong thong thong"...honestly, im sick of that offense to Sisqo, who practically made the thong a worldwide trend, because i liked the song the first couple times i heard it, and i really admire how he's out and doing his lil solo thang and makin the money n erything...but come on people...not erybody can wear a thong...when Sisqo said "let me see that thong" he wasnt talkin to alla yall...if u put a thong on and it disappears, yo asz is too big to be wearin a thong...or if you put a thong on and it look like you got granny panties on, u aint got no asz to be wearin a thong...just take that into consideration...pleez
:: sigh ::
...the thong can be ur friend if you use it right

ha...and yall probably thought i was going to talk about me in a thong...just wanted ta get your attention... ;]~