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Jatiya Party Janakatha - JP's voice worldwide.

The Jatiya Party emblem - recognized worldwide.                            JP Janakatha

February 2001:

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      The Jatiya Party Janakatha was created by and launched by Sabbir Hossain in January 2000 and has since evolved from a simple, four page publication to an eight page newspaper. The Jatiya Party Janakatha focuses on the main issues concerning Bangladesh and the world and, mainly, Jatiya Party news and events. The newsletter relies heavily on a few individuals who get sent master copies of Janaktha and photocopy the newsletter. We do not rely on sponsorship or any other aid apart from news and reports sent to us from the Bangladesh JP headquarters. We have scanned the Janakatha pages and put them up on the website, this means that the pages you will see will be one big picture. Because of this no special software needs to be downloaded but the pages take some time to load, at least one to two minutes on a 14.4 k connection, so please be patient.

We hope you enjoy reading Janakatha and we thankyou for your interest.


Here are some back issues of Janakatha that we have archived for you:

The January 2001 issue is temporarily unavailable.

December 2000:

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November 2000:

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October 2000:

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