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J.LeRoue's Slide Show Index

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The slide shows below contain some pictures from my site - an alternative browsing method for all you lazy ones there! Java applets hopefully working in your browser.
You have a few options, choose the one that best suits your connection speed. So if qualified, are you ready for the Tour? Choose your way, Around the World - or the Memory Lane!

A Little Dog
A tribute to my "My Little Sister". This is the lightest one, only 6 pictures.
Some of my personal Travel Pictures with many beautiful sunsets!
Memory Lane
Some mainly OLDER pictures of my hobbies, friends and stuff here at home.
Light Version
Light Version
Light Version
Compact Version
Compact Version
Compact Version
Heavy Version
Heavy Version
Heavy Version

Light Version
Image Gallery v1.27 or the lsSlidesShow Applet - Manual, but the fastest!

Not so fancy, but loads faster. You'll need to click a button to see the next image.

Compact Version
I-Yuan IoN Chen - Shows the images automatically.

This nice Java Applet takes longer to load, so you'll need a fast connection! This applet will also show the download progress. A Pentium level computer is capable to run it (tested with P133 MHz /32 MB RAM.)

Heavy Version
Anfy Applet - Very impressive fading effects, but heavy to execute.

The slide shows contain 25...50 images (each approx. 50kB) so for this one you'll need some serious BIG ASS CONNECTION and very good www-surfing conditions! In addition, a FAST (>500 MHz) computer and lots of memory is needed to handle the Anfy slide show script for this much data! Actually, this one I originally did to be run directly from a CD. Anyway, here it is - if you want to test your system limits.

Remember to sign the questbook or send me e-mail, any comments welcome!

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