21/02/03-TIMI'S SAY:Hi hi! it's lala and timi. ps.s i made the layout; it took 30 minutes. lala, is singing a song about niall and moi. Niall is my boyfriend and i had a nightmare about him last night. I had a dream that he wanted to dump me and i kissed him and he pushed me down the stairs. thank buddha it was a dream. lala makes funny songs. ent that right lala?

LALA SAY'S: I broke the chair, oops hide it. I duunu wat to write. I must try not to write crap e.g please write in my guestbook.Or link back.And this would look extra bad if i used words like plz or l8r or u now txt writing on a COMPUTER.I DUNNU WAT 2 WRITE, Timi says write what you thik. Errrr? ok I think ... you'd be here for 7 days if i told you what i thought. er things to make u happi:
.smile .listen to the song 'don't worry be happi'song if never heard then get a jolly song. .shop. .laugh for no reason .sing a song. .they say the colour blue relaxes, look at colour blu. well there's my crap for the day bwibwi for now.

timi: hi. i spent ages typing something but i deleted it by mistake. haha u bitch. anyhu, always look on the bright side of life. da da da da da. if u are reading this rubish, of moi singing crap please click on the link below to get an award! lurve,
LARA SAY'S: U r one cleva person if you click on that link to get an award.I really like you if you've read this boring stuff. later,

! You ¡ Us ! Timea ¡ Lara ! linky ¡ Thanx 4 comin !
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