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Barney's Friends

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Thanks to the Internet, Barney now has a world-wide fan club. He has also made some new friends.
Here are just a few of them.

Duke & Harry
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Duke is a 4 year old black ex-racer. He likes any food and any fuss from anyone. He hates having his nails trimmed. He has been with me for 2 years.
Harry is a 2 year old brindle grey x. He has been in a home before and is very scared and nervous. He has been with me for 18 months. He is scared of most things except me and off lead walkies.
Both go to training classes once a week and are also worked together. They love playing with other greyhounds and Duke loves Salukis. They are very close and like to be together.

Indy & Rio
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Indy (Saluki x) came from Battersea Dogs Home in July 1999, we were told that he was 18 month - 2 years old, it has turned out that he is probably about 8 years old now. He was a very nervous slightly underweight dog when we got him, he now a very loud funny slightly overweight dog.

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Rio was rescued by EGLR in December 2000 at the age of 8 weeks, the man who had her litter was going to drown them at 8 weeks, fortunatley Pip was contacted by a third party and agreed to take them, they hadn't been fed for 4 days when they were picked up. As you can see she is now the picture of health and mischief.

Linford & Brian
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Hi! We are Linford and Brian, the two lovely lurchers from Kent. We are both "second hand dogs", so we're not quite sure how old we are. I, Linford, reckon I'm about 5 and a half, but Brian doesn't have a clue. Somewhere between seven and nine he thinks. We both like running, obedience and sofas and in addition I do agility. Brian tends to stick more with sofas these days as he has Cushing's disease and gets a bit tired. We are Barney's pen-friends as we live so far away, but we think he's great and I would love to meet him in the flesh one day to see who's the biggest, blackest and sexiest (Brian says "Hmph..")!

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Hello everyone, my name is Mycroft, named of course after the brother of Sherlock Holmes. My intelligence was obviously recognized from a very young age. My family history is unknown, but probably includes, Greyhounds, Salukis and Collies. I am lucky to have survived. When I was a few days old, a lovely man found me with my litter. We had been put in a black bin liner and thrown onto a rubbish tip. After this I spent a few weeks looking for the right human, until Carol came to see me and I chose her. I spent my early months teething on dog beds, binoculars and pig's ears, but not a single chair leg, as I don't like the taste of furniture polish. Since these early times I've progressed from my dog bed to the main settee. I have heard it said that I am spoilt rotten but I feel that it is a just reward for guarding my human so diligently. I also help her by eating all the kitchen leftovers like toast and fish skins.

Meshia Chelsey & Chloe
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We love Barney he is so cute.

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Hello, I'm Max and I live in North Reading, Massachusetts. I'm a little cockapoo - very spoiled, very smart, very modest :o) and very much loved.
I'm not only one of Barney's biggest fans but I'm also one of his good friends.

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My name is Jodie and I have just had my first birthday. I am a Lurcher/Bedlington/ Greyhound/Wippet and look nothing like my mum and sister. I can run very fast and I'm still not trusted off the lead unless there are other dogs to bring me back. My owner fusses over me but I'm a real independant spirit, though I do like a cuddle!
You can e-mail me through my owner.

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Hi.. I am Dominoe, a 10 month old Dalmatian.. I can run like the wind,and love living in the country--so many places to explore !! and sticks to eat !!

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Hi.. I am Mcgwire, named after baseballs great Mark Mcgwire.. I am pretty mellow and love to sit like a frog !! I am a little over 2 years old and the big sister to Dominoe..

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Hi, I'm Max. I'm 5 years old and people say I have a bit of Irish Wolfhound in me. I came to live with Jennie in Birmingham (UK) in early Sept having moved from Cornwall about 240 miles away. My previous owner is going to work abroad and I had to find a new home. Luckily her son came to Birmingham too so I sometimes see him. I have settled down now but at first I howled a lot, pining for my old home and friends. Barney was my first contact with new friends up here and we E-mail each other now and again.

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Hi Barney... You are on my friends pages, so I am sending my photo to You!
Casey is the name ... I am a wire-fox terrier and I am 9 years old. I live in Winnipeg Manitoba Canada.
I have my own web-site as well and I get to meet so many great friends.

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Scooter is a 5 year old mute. I found him at the Dog pound. So cute. He was 2 years old at time. He had been living in an alley eating bugs. They finally caught him. He was real slick. From what we can tell, he was house training, loved to be loved and took only 2 hours to teach him to fetch.

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I'm Phoebe and I am a three year old Poodle from Wales, UK. I am very cute an fluffy and everybody who meets me, loves me! I appear to be a human magnet. They can't stop giving me cuddles! I am also a big minx. My favourite pass-time is to steal socks from the wash basket!

Holly & Sam

This is Holly with Diana's new grandson - Sam. He must be Barney's youngest friend.
As Diana says, this is another indication of what wonderful dogs lurchers are.
NOTE - Diana has no E-mail, because she only has restricted access at work.

Hamish & Willow
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Hamish and Willow are two lucky puppies that live in the hills, glens and streams of beautiful remote Scotland. Their mother is a Dearhound x Great Dane, and their father is a Border Collie. Human Mum Julie says they have very different personalities, Hamish being very affectionate, loving and quiet - up in Scotland this is known as "couthy", while Willow, his sister is very willful and boisterous.

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Hello all! I am named Harley after the famous motorbike. I am nearly 2yrs old, and I think you will agree I am good looking. I love everyone and one of my favourite walks is to go down the beach. I have a swim, play ball and then return home to a good meal, lay down and dry, then cover the room with sand by shaking everywhere ......... I sleep in the bedroom at night to protect everyone. I will defend my home and family as best as I can, even from the wind.

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May we introduce you to Garth and Taylor..
Garth is male, Taylor is a girl..
Not only are they great looking Collies , they are most beautiful in their temperment and attitudes as our pets.. They are beautiful to see , and very bright, they have brought much joy and beauty into our lives.

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Hello - I'm Martie and I live in Somerset in England. I am one of Barney's longest fans, and have only just managed to send a picture, as Mum Jeanie has been ill, and could not use the computer. She is a wonderful person, having bought me to save me from death row at a puppy farm.

Many of these dogs also have their own website. E-mail them to find their address.

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