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Nieuwe pagina 1

Thou shal heed.
The lessons learned.
Every deed.
Is trifold earned

Allways know.
The rule of three.
Will allways show.
The good in thee.

Stolen moments of your time
are all you have to give,
For you are claimed by another
and must your own life live.
The knowing glances that we share,
the tender smiles that say you care,
Remembering our love forbidden,
the longing for our passion hidden.

A teasing word, a brushing touch,
our eyes locked across the room.
How did it start,where will it end,
can it continue to bloom ?

Passionate kisses, the longing embrace,
your gentle touch upon my face,
The look in your eyes, unknowingly wise,
all quicken my heart to an unbelievable pace !

Our hours seem like minutes, our time goes by fast
The minutes pass like seconds as we try to make them last.
The sound of your voice puts me at ease,
It fills me with love and weakens my knees.

I lie to myself and say,” It's all I need.”
I whisper to my heart, "Be careful, take heed!"
Stolen moments of your time to me you give
Because another life you must live.

Reach for the stars
Keep your halo polished
Share your favorite things with others
Plant a garden for the butterflies

Say something nice to someone everyday
Be patient with those who don't fly as fast as you do
Talk to the plants to help them grow
Always tell the truth
Think good thoughts
Sprinkle a little stardust wherever you go

I believe there are angels among us
Sent down to us from somewhere up above
They come to you and me in our darkest hours
To show us how to live
To teach us how to give
To guide us with the light of love


We have one Angel standing watch
above us as we sleep...
Another gathers up the hopes
and dreams we wish to keep...

One Angel is the tiny voice
that whispers in our ears...
With words of love and comfort
to conquer grief and fears...

Of course we have one Guardian,
one friendship keeper too...
Another just to help us mend
the thoughtless things we do...

We have a Guardian of love
who protects our Destiny...
And helps us with our soulmate
who with we were meant to be...

We have a host of Angels
that keep us company...
In order that we become the best that we can be...


Dark days and stormy nights
Across the ocean
The pitiful glance
Of a love once lost.

You and I are as
Different as night and day
You, the dark prince
Me, the fair princess

Always thought of as
A love once lost
We will always be apart,
But together, forever


Whenever I miss you,
It always brings to mind
The thoughts and hopes we shared
And our many happy times.
And the quiet moments, too,
I think of all the things

So unique to me and you.
And though the many miles
Make it seem we're far apart
Warm memories like these
Keep you ever in my heart.


“Happiness is an illusion you see with your heart.”

You can never hold it,
or feel his embrace.
Never will you touch it,
or clearly see his face.

Seeking wards it away....
When you think its found,
you turn,
yet you're alone.

You might as well grasp at mist....
Or try to capture sunlight.

I held mist once
and sunlight too,
but now there gone...
and so are you.

...I need a hug.

Grasping Mist by ~NX 7/30/00


Pixies wings flash by unseen,
a soft laugh follows suit.
Do you know for whom they sing?
It is your inner youth.

We are all but children,
our lives lives still so unknown
our eyes are just now opeing
to a world already grown
~NX ©8/22/00~


Unique and precious
like a diamond in the rough
our hearts search endlessely
for its sewwt, embracing tough.

Take care gentle seeker
for diamonds are cold stone,
some truthes were never meant to see...
and better left alone.
~NX ©8/22/00~


Skipping over distance
like a pebble on a stream
love reaches out to those
whos actions go unseen

Kindness begers kindness
so spins lifes flowing rhyme
a harmonious ribbon
dancing throughout time
~NX ©2/22/00~