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Nieuwe pagina 1

Ik ben een heks.
Ik ben een deel van het geheel der natuur.
De rotsen, de dieren, de planten,
de elementen en de sterrren zijn mijn verwanten.
Andere mensen zijn mijn zusters en broeders.
De planeet aarde is mijn thuis.
Ik ben een deel van deze grote familie der natuur,
niet de meester ervan.
Ik heb mijn eigen speciale rol te spelen en ik
probeer te ontdekken
wat die rol is en die naar best vermogen te vertolken.
Ik streef er naar om in harmonie te leven met de
anderen in deze familie der natuur,
en hen met respect te behandelen.

Ik ben een heks.
Ik vier de verandering der seizoenen,
het draaien van het wiel van het jaar.
Ik ben een heks.
Ik stem mezelf af op de vier elementen der natuur,
Aarde, Lucht, Water en Vuur
en op het vijfde element, Geest,
wat de spirituele kracht is die ons allen verbindt.

Een heks symbool der romantiek,
Beheerst vooral de nacht,
De kaarsen die de mystiek bekroond,
Verlichten al de pracht....

Als je vliegt door dromenland,
Ben je boven mij uitgestegen,
En mij met jouw elixer bedwelmt,
Heb ik levenslust verkregen....

En uit je hand blaas jij naar mij,
"Magic Dust" in mijn ogen,
Die mij het eeuwige licht laat zien,
De "Darkness" is verbogen....

In het dromen bos dans je voor mij,
Bekoor jouw mooie onschuldige naaktheid,
Schoonheid hoeft niet verborgen te zijn,
Staat geschreven in het boek der wijsheid....

Near the lake she sat
The middle of the night it was
Heart of a forest A fragile woman
On a round rock

From the darkness of a bushel
I looked at her appearance As she touched
The dead things and the living

One with nature she was
Her feet growing from the earth
Her arms moving like the wind
Her eyes shining like the stars

Her breathing like the rhythm
of the seasons come and go
Her dress wrapped around her
like clouds sticking to a mountain top

The forest grew around her
And she was part of it's perfection
As she listened to the laws of nature
Obeying them with no effort

Her logic were the rules of centuries past
No doubt was in her mind Hesitation she knew little
As the order of things she was certain of Obviously

Never had I seen such harmony
Nor witnessed such unity Of human and world
Beyond comparison this was

She rose and walked away
I was sure my eyes deceived me
Convinced it had to be a dream
Her presence stayed when she had gone

But little did I know then For never before
had I seen
The sheer beauty of a true witch...

From Gimli, with love

To you who do not know me.
You do not understand my beliefs;
yet you proceed to attack me,
violating your own code with your intolerance...

To you who set up campaigns to silence me,
and yet protest when your rights are infringed upon...
To you who call me evil, but don't know what I am...
because you have never cared to find out...

This is what I say to you.
I am not evil, I am peaceful.
I will not be silenced, for I believe what I speak.
I wish no harm to come to you.
I wish not to fight with you.
I hold no malice against you because we believe
I wish it were the same with you.
I do not hate you, although you'd like to believe I do.
I do not cast spells to harm you.
You accuse me of foul injustice, but I am innocent.
You accuse me of violence, which I do not perform.
You've called me a killer.
I wish only for the chance to live in peace with
you and all others.

You've accused me of the foulest of deeds;
you've tried to suppress me and destroy me.
You've done your best to succeed,
but yet, you fail.
You fail because, despite all that you have
done to me and my kind throughout history,
Still we live. We will not be silenced.

We are Witches, Pagans, Wiccans and Shamans.
We are united together
to fight the intolerance you teach.
If you learn anything from
this...Learn that we will survive.

We have, and we always will.

Author Unknown