By Maybe

Elrond's reply to Gil-galad.

The walls of Lindon castle, drawbridge, gate, moat and keep;
The lines upon the parchment, alliances, treaties, trades and wills;
The halls inside the palace, corridors, antechambers, baths and rooms;
Inside your head those barriers are felt but never seen,
No lights to lead me through them, my hope must light the spark
You must not believe
You dare not believe

Your screams echo in the silence
The tears you won't cry fall
The words you don't know how to speak are said
The fears you cannot hide, understood
I know
I hear
I see
I taste
You touch
I feel.

Between the lines the blank space tells a thousand things
In your not speaking so much is said, cried, told, needed
I am a thousand things to you, lord, herald, healer, counsellor, brother, friend and
most of all that to which we must not commit:
So much between us remains

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