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Chapter Two

JASON ARRIVED AT the scene of the wreck and examined. the remains of Sonny's car. "Mr. Morgan." Johnny said sadly. "There's no way anyone could have survived that."

"We don't know Sonny was in it." Jason refused to even contemplate the idea that Sonny could be dead. "There's no skeletal remains in the car. He could have been thrown out of the car before it exploded."

"Mr. Morgan." Johnny felt he had to say it. "If Sonny was in that car when it exploded, then odds are he would have been burned to a crisp and be nothing but ash now."

"I want you and some of the men to search the area for Sonny." He ordered ignoring what he said, while I go and check the local hospital for any new admissions fitting Sonny's description in the last few days."

* * * * *

JASON WASN'T THE only one trying to find Sonny. Jax was also looking for him, but he had ulterior motives. He was sure if he found Sonny, he would find Brenda, as well. From the moment the sanitarium had alerted him to the fact that Brenda had managed to escape somehow, he'd been having Sonny watched. Unfortunately, his man had lost Corinthos a few days ago and still hadn't been able to find him.

Jax was going crazy over the thought of Brenda being with Corinthos, again. He wouldn't care that she was mentally ill. He would take advantage of her like he was always doing.

The minute Jax had found her with that Corinthos clone, he knew the truth about her. Even though he had destroyed the test results without reading that revealing if Brenda had inherited her mother's mental illness, he knew it was true just by looking at her. When he spoke to her he became even more convinced about the truth. She claimed she was still in love with Sonny. There was no way Brenda could still be in love with Sonny after all he had done to her. It was obviously her mental illness speaking. To this day he could still hear her screaming that he never understood what she and Sonny shared, as he and Angel had had her committed to the sanitarium in Switzerland, where she would live out the rest of her days in peace and comfort.

When he returned to Port Charles he decided to let everyone think she was dead, especially when Corinthos came around wanting to know if he'd found Brenda. The last thing Brenda needed was him. If he knew she was alive, he would have gone to her. It was better Corinthos continued to think she was dead, so she could finally be free of him. Besides, he rationalized his decision, Brenda wouldn't want people to know the sad end she had come to. He had done what he knew she would have wanted him to do.

* * * * *

BRENDA HAD BEEN a busy little beaver after she left the hospital. She had gone to a car dealership and charmed the owner to let her take a sporty little red convertible for a test drive around the block, and she hadn't come back. Problem one solved. She and Sonny now had a set of wheels. Then she had driven out to the crash site, which was thankfully deserted, and removed the license plate from Sonny's burned out car. Now when the car salesmen reported the car stolen, the police would have the wrong pair of plates. She hadn't hung around Sonny without picking up a few tricks of the trade from him.

After that she headed back to the hospital. But she got an unpleasant surprise when she arrived. She saw Jason at the admitting desk asking questions. Damn, how did he find them so soon? Well, she wasn't going to let Jason ruin things for her and Sonny. She'd gone this far, she may as well go all the way. She still had time. All she had to do was get Sonny out of here before Jason found him.

She slipped away unseen and rushed to Sonny's room. He was up and dressed when she arrived. She gave a silent thanks to providence that she wouldn't have to rush him into getting dressed. "Okay." She smiled, trying to hide her fright that everything was about to blow up in her face. "Let's go."

"Doesn't the doctor need to sign my release papers?" Sonny looked at her suspiciously. There was a part of him that just didn't trust his wife as far as he could throw her.

"He already has." She lied. "I also managed to get us car. So there's nothing keeping us here." She began to tug him towards the door. "Let's go."

* * * * *

"YOU'RE SURE NO one with the name of Sonny Corinthos was admitted here in the last few days?" Jason asked.

"I'm sure." The nurse smiled at him sadly. "I wish I could help you."

"Thanks." Jason said, starting to fear the worst. What if Sonny really had been in his car when it exploded. "So do I." He began to walk away when something occurred to him. "What about under another name. Have you admitted anyone in the last few days with the description I gave you of my friend."

"Let me think." The nurse tried to remember. "Well, there was a man, but his name wasn't Corinthos and he wasn't alone."

"What's his name?" Jason asked anxiously, positive this would lead him to finding Sonny.

"His name was Michael Corbin Jr." She said.

"That's him." Jason laughed happily. Sonny was alive. He wasn't dead.

"But it can't be." The nurse replied. "He was admitted by his wife, and you said he was alone."

"Wife?" He repeated in shock. Did Carly know where Sonny was all along and lie to him about it. "This wife, did you happen to catch her name? Have you seen her? Was she a blonde?"

"No." The nurse replied. "She was a brunette. Very pretty. Not very tall." She paused. "Now let me see what her name was. Belinda? No, that wasn't it. Brittany? No, that wasn't it, either. I think it began with a BR. Wait a minute, now I remember. It was Brenda. Her name was Brenda."

"Brenda?" Jason repeated in shock. No, it had to be a coincidence. Brenda was dead, and even if she were alive, what would she be doing with Sonny. But the patient with the same name as Mike was too big a coincidence. It had to be Sonny. "Could you tell me just what room Mr. Corbin is in?" He added. "I want to make sure he's not my friend."

"Oh, sure." The nurse smiled as she gave him the room number. Jason thanked her and headed to the room, but when he got there the room was empty. Right after he entered, Sonny's doctor entered behind him.

"Where is Mr. Corbin?" He asked seeing the room empty.

"That's what I was just about to ask you?" Jason replied. "Where is he?"

"I don't know." The doctor replied. "Last I saw him he was getting dressed and waiting for me to return with his release papers."

"Then where is he?" Jason snapped.

"I don't know." The doctor replied. "But maybe you could ask his wife. I saw her coming towards his room as I was leaving it." With that the doctor left.

Jason took out his cell phone and called Johnny. "I think I may have found Sonny." He told him. "But I need you to get me something so I can make sure. Can you get your hands on an old picture of Sonny and Brenda together. Don't ask why, just get it and bring it here." He added. "If what I'm suspecting is true, Jasper Jacks is going to have a lot of explaining to do."