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The Ouseburn Valley Newcastle Upon Tyne

Ouseburn 1

Ouseburn 2

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A new dawn has arrived for the River Ouseburn. This river, which runs from north of Newcastle, meanders south through Gosforth, Jesmond Dene and disappears into a culvert in Heaton to reappear in the lower Ouseburn valley.

This part of the Ouseburn, between the culvert and its confluence with the Tyne, was the birthplace of the industrial revolution in Newcastle. It is the subject of the largest Sustainable Development project in the Northeast, which has been arranged by the Ouseburn Trust.

The Trust was established in 1995 to halt the deterioration of the valley. This regeneration, which is ongoing, has resulted in dramatic improvements to both the visual appearance and the natural environment of the Ouseburn Valley in Newcastle.


May I take this opportunity to encourage you to walk the three-mile route which Starts at South Gosforth and goes down through Jesmond Dene into the lower Ouseburn Valley and ends at the Tyne. Go on, try it, you will be pleasantly surprised.


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