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    Topics Include :-

  1. The Strange Connection with Intergalactic
  2. Coronal Loops
  3. Layers Beneath the Sun
  4. Russian Scientists May Confirm The Photon Belt?
  5. Black hole dynamo may be cosmos' ultimate electricity generator
  6. Cosmic ray link to global warming

The Strange Connection with Intergalactic Space

The intensity of galactic cosmic rays measured on Earth is related to the Sun's cycle of activity. The cosmic ray intensity on Earth also peaks twice every 22 years in time with the solar cycle.
The cosmic ray curve lags behind the rise in the number of sunspots by about a year - but only during alternate solar cycles. In the intervening cycles, the two trends occur almost simultaneously.
Cosmic rays preferentially approach the Sun from the direction of its poles when the magnetic field lines are pointing out of the Northern Hemisphere. When the magnetic field flips, cosmic rays tend to approach equatorial regions of the Sun. But astronomers also know that coronal mass ejections (CMEs) tend to occur close to the Sun's equator early in the solar cycle, and later migrate towards the poles.
When cosmic rays impinge on the solar poles early in an 11-year cycle, they do not encounter CMEs. But cosmic rays do meet CMEs when they approach the equator at this time in the solar cycle. This means that the interaction of cosmic rays with the strong magnetic fields of CMEs affects the intensity of cosmic rays on Earth. "This would account for the systematic lag observed.

Coronal Loops

Giant loops filled with gas particles heated to 3.5 million degrees Fahrenheit (a temperature hot enough to emit high-energy X-rays), formed by intense magnetic fields that link the Sun's magnetic poles to sunspots located near the solar equator are believed to be potentially strong enough to trigger polar reversals. Each loop is like a colossal, twisted rainbow - a 500,000-mile-long arc that extends into the corona, then returns to the surface. One end of the loop runs through either the north or south magnetic pole. The other end is connected to a sunspot of opposite magnetic polarity.
The loops only formed connections between magnetic poles and trailing spots (which have the opposite charge to the magnetic pole) located in the same hemisphere and never cross the equator. Because the magnetic pole and the trailing spot carried opposite magnetic polarities, each loop generated an incredibly intense flow of electricity. As the 2000 solar maximum approached, the number of trailing sunspots and loops increased - creating numerous magnetic links that may have been strong enough to contribute to the magnetic pole reversal.
The giant loops underwent a mysterious pattern of growth and development. The loops only appeared when there were bursts of sunspot activity, which came every 12 to 18 months during the rising phase of the 11-year cycle. This 12- to 18-month cycle could have its origins in two parallel layers located about 135,000 miles below the solar surface. The tachocline separates the radiative zone, and the convection zone near the surface. As the sun rotates, one gas layer gradually spins faster while the other reduces speed every 12 to 16 months in a synchronous pattern.
This cycle itself roughly every 16 months, at the equator, but only recurred every 12 months at the 60-degree latitude.

Layers Beneath the Sun

Scientists have discovered that two parallel layers of gas deep beneath the solar surface are actually speeding up and slowing down in a strange, synchronous pattern. It turns out that, as the sun rotates on its axis, one gas layer gradually spins faster while the other reduces speed.
Located about 135,000 miles below the solar surface, the tachocline separates the sun's two major regions of gas: the radiative zone, which includes the energy-generating core, and the convection zone near the surface.
Solar experts believe that the tachocline may be the source of powerful magnetic fields that produce strong solar flares and solar winds, and create sunspots that mysteriously appear and disappear during an 11-year cycle. No one knows how the sun's enormous magnetic fields are generated, or why they reverse polarity from positive to negative every 11 years. But the discovery that the area surrounding the tachocline varies its rotation in a regular pattern could be a clue to solving the mystery.
Their results showed that the convection zone just above the tachocline gradually increased its rotational speed by about 60 feet per second between July 1996 and Feb. 1997, then slowly returned to its original velocity some eight months later.
Meanwhile, the radiative zone just below the tachocline demonstrated the exact opposite behavior, slowing down between July and February, then gradually accelerating eight months later.
This cycle of acceleration and deceleration repeated itself roughly every 16 months, or 1.3 years, at the equator, but only recurred every 12 months at the 60-degree latitude.
The discovery that the inner sun spins at different rates at different latitudes is consistent with earlier studies showing that the surface of the sun also rotates at different speeds.
For example, at the equator, it takes about 25 days for the surface of the sun to rotate on its axis, but at the poles, surface rotation requires roughly 33 days.
But why are the gas layers above and below the tachocline speeding up and slowing down at opposite rates?
Perhaps this puzzling behavior is somehow related to the mysterious forces that generate the sun's magnetic field and the 11-year sunspot cycle. For the interior to change speed every 11 years would make sense. But a 1.3-year period was unexpected.

Russian Scientists May Confirm The Photon Belt?

Energy coming from the centre of our Galaxy - the Hunab Ku - supreme intelligence?

[I have read that Photon Belt was a prank by a university student, and has always been disproven by astronomers] The atmospheres of the planets are changing Dr. Dmitriev's work shows that the planets themselves are changing. They are undergoing changes in their atmospheres. [This is the same Dr. Dmitriev of Art Bosman's recommended website "Welcome to Ascension2000"]
For example the Martian atmosphere is getting sizably thicker than it was before. The Mars observer probe in 1997 lost one of its mirrors, which caused it to crash, because the atmosphere was about twice as dense as they calculated, and basically the wind on that little mirror was so high that it blew it right off the device.
Earth's moon is growing an atmosphere. Also, the moon is growing an atmosphere that's made up of a compound Dmitriev refers to as ''Natrium. ''Dmitriev says that, around the moon, there is this 6,000-kilometre-deep layer of Natrium that wasn't there before.
And we're having this kind of change in Earth's atmosphere in the upper levels, where HO gas is forming that wasn't there before; it simply did not exist in the quantity that it does now. It's not related to global warming and it's not related to CFCs or fluorocarbon emissions or any of that stuff. It's just showing up.
Magnetic fields and brightness of the planets are changing. The planets are experiencing sizeable changes in their overall brightness. Venus, for example, is showing us marked increases in its overall brightness. Jupiter has gotten to have such a high energetic charge that there is actually a visible tube of ionising radiation that's formed between its moon, Io. You can actually see the luminous energy tube in photographs that have been taken more lately.
And the planets are having a change in their fields.
The magnetic fields are becoming stronger.
Jupiter's magnetic field has more than doubled. Uranus's magnetic field is changing. Neptune's magnetic field is increasing. These planets are becoming brighter. Their magnetic field strength is getting higher. Their atmospheric qualities are changing.
Uranus and Neptune appear to have had recent pole shifts. When the Voyager 2 space probe flew past Uranus and Neptune, the apparent north and south magnetic poles were sizeably offset from where the rotational pole was. In one case, it was 50 degrees off, and in the other case the difference was around 40 degrees, both of which are pretty big changes.
The overall changes could essentially be broken down into three categories: Energy field changes, luminosity changes, and atmospheric changes.
[strange that luminosity changes] Overall volcanic activity has increased 500 percent since 1975 [???] On the Earth, we're seeing the changes even more completely.
For example, Michael Mandeville has done research that has shown that the overall volcanic activity on the Earth since 1875 has increased by roughly 500 percent. The overall earthquake activity has increased by 400 percent just since 1973.
Natural disasters increased 410 percent between 1963 and 1993 Dr. Dmitriev did a very elaborate calculation of natural disasters. He showed that if you compare the years 1963 through 1993, the overall amount of natural disasters of all different kinds - whether you are talking hurricanes, typhoons, mud slides, tidal waves, you name it -have increased by 410 percent.
The Sun's magnetic field increased by 230 percent since 1901 There's a study by Dr. Mike Lockwood from Rutherford Appellation National Laboratories in California, who has been investigating the Sun. He has discovered that since 1901, the overall magnetic field of the Sun has become 230 percent stronger than it was before.
More than just Earth Changes So, all in all, what we're seeing is a lot more than just what they call Earth Changes. Some people get into the idea that there is an interaction between the Earth and the Sun that's going on here. Very, very few people are aware of the work that is being done in the Russian National Academy of Sciences in Siberia, specifically in Novosibirsk, where they are doing this research. They've come to the conclusion that the only possible thing that could be causing this energetic change all throughout the Solar System is that we are moving into an area of energy that is different - that is higher.
The glowing plasma at the leading edge of our Solar System has recently increased 1000 percent Now, check this out. The Sun itself has a magnetic field, of course, and that magnetic field creates an egg around the Solar System, which is known as the heliosphere. The heliosphere is shaped like a teardrop, with the long and thin end of the drop pointing in the opposite direction from the direction that we're travelling. It's just like a comet, where the tail is always pointing away from the Sun.
The Russians have looked at the leading edge of this heliosphere, and they have observed glowing ,excited plasma energy there. This plasma energy used to be 10 astronomical units deep (an astronomical unit is the distance from the Earth to the Sun, 93,000,000 miles). So ten astronomical units represents the normal thickness of this glowing energy that we used to see at the front end of the Solar System.
Today, that glowing plasma has gone to 100 astronomical units deep. Although Dmitriev's paper does not give an exact timeline, we can assume that this increase happened in the same 1963 to 1993 period as the increase he found in natural disasters. Whenever it happened, that's a 1,000 percent increase in the overall brightness of the energy at the front end of the Solar System.
And this means that the Solar System itself is moving into an area where the energy is more highly charged.
That higher-charged energy is in turn exciting the plasma and causing more of it to form, so you see more luminosity, more brightness. This energy is then flowing into the Sun, which in turn emits the energy and spreads it out along its equatorial plane, which is called the Ecliptic.
This in turn is saturating interplanetary space, which causes the solar emissions to travel more quickly and charge up the energy on the planets.
And this is conscious [??] energy that is changing how the planet works, how it functions, and what kind of life it supports. The harmonics of the DNA spiral itself are altering. That's the real, hidden cause of spontaneous mass evolutions in previous epochs of time.

Black hole dynamo may be cosmos' ultimate electricity generator

Magnetic field lines extending a few million light years from galaxies into space may be the result of incredibly efficient energy-producing dynamos within black holes that are somewhat analogous to an electric motor.
By interpreting radio waves emanating from the gigantic magnetic fields, the researchers were able to create pictures of the fields as they extended from an object believed to be a black hole at the center of a galaxy out into regions of intergalactic space. Because the class of galaxies they studied are isolated from other intergalactic objects and gas — which could warp, distort or compress the fields — the fields extend a distance of up to ten million light years. The energy in these huge magnetic fields is comparable to that released into space as light, X-rays and gamma rays. In other words, the black hole energy is being efficiently converted into magnetic fields. The mechanism is not yet fully understood, but Kronberg and his colleagues believe a black hole accretion disk could be acting similarly to an electric motor. Los Alamos believe that the naturally magnetized accretion disk rotating around a black hole is punctured by clouds of stars in the vicinity of the black hole, like bullet holes in a flywheel. This, in turn, leads nonlinearly to a system similar to an electric generator that gives rise to a rotating, but invisible magnetic helix. In this way, huge amounts of energy are carried out and away from the center of a galaxy as a set of twisted magnetic field lines that eventually appear via radio waves from luminous cloud formations on opposite sides of the galaxy. The Los Alamos researchers are calculating methods by which enormous amounts of expelled magnetic energy are converted into heat — manifested in the form of a relativistic gas of cosmic rays that create radio energy that can be detected by radio telescopes such as the Very Large Array. Although the exact mechanism is still a mystery, the Los Alamos researchers believe that a sudden reconnection or fusing of the magnetic field lines creates and accelerates the cosmic rays. The researchers still don't understand why this fast magnetic field reconnection occurs. But understanding the mechanism could have important applications here on Earth such as creating a system of magnetic confinement for a fusion energy reactor.

Cosmic ray link to global warming

17 August 04 The suggestion is that cosmic rays crashing into the atmosphere ionise the molecules they collide with, triggering cloud formation affect the temperature on Earth. If the flux of cosmic rays drops, fewer clouds will form and the planet will warm up. No one yet understands the mechanism. Changes in cosmic-ray flux are the major reason for temperature changes over the past 500 million years. Looking at satellite images of low-altitude clouds from the past 20 years scientists noticed that the pattern of global cloud cover varied over a time scale of roughly 10 years, and found a correlation with the 11-year sunspot cycle. The more sunspot activity there is, the greater the strength of the sun's magnetic field. And cosmic rays are deflected by this field, so the stronger it is, the fewer rays reach the Earth, and the lower the cloud cover. They also found that clouds were scarce near the equator and thicker towards the tropics. This is because cosmic rays have a hard time punching through Earth's magnetic field at the equator, but can leak in through the relatively weaker field nearer the poles.


[Plasma Cosmology Part 1 ] [Part 2 ] [Part 3 ]
[The Sun Part 4 ]
[The Sun Part 5 ]
[The Sun Part 6 ]
[The Magnetosphere Part 7]

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