Welcome to the largest naturopathic web site in the world, with Dr. David Cohen,   N.D., Ph.D., M.H., C.N.C.

    Bodyscans Testimonials


When I first saw the BodyScan demonstrated, I decided I really wanted to do this. I’d been dealing with health challenges forever. I had broken a hip and my immune system was very, very low. Everything was overwhelming me physically. I just wasn’t in good health.

I saw Walt Jaakkola a year ago, the session took about 2 hours, and I came away with lots of homeopathic remedies. I began to see him once a month. In the past year I notice that I’m not susceptible to all the things I was before. My immune system is definitely stronger than ever. I have a sense that working with Dr. Jaakkola and the BodyScan is strengthening me from the inside out. It’s going to a cellular level, and I know it!

I might still have some symptoms, but I’ve participated in my healing more than I ever did before. It’s not about any one thing I can point to—just an overall sense of gaining strength—a solid way of thinking on every level. I’ve made an investment in my own quality of life. I’m beginning to tune in to the rhythms of my own body.


BioSyntony  |  BioSyntony 2  |  BioSyntony 3  |  BioSyntony 4  |  BioSyntony 5 |  BioSyntony 6
Ayurvedic Medicine   |  Acoustic Cardiograph   |  Harmony   |  Bodyscan2010       Stress I   |  Chiropractic
Coldcure   |  BodyScan Newspaper Article I   |  Rife Technology  |  Doctors   |  Doctors II   |  E.M.I.
Health   |  Health2   |  Herbal Medicine   |  Herbal Medicine II   |  Index  |  Infratonic Pain Relief
Breath of Life   |  Pain Relief   |  Masters and Millionaires   |  Bodyscan Article II   |  Mineral Infrared Therapy
Mineral Infrared Therapy Theory   |  YOUR Medical Dollars   |  Newspaper Article
Flower Essence Therapy   |  Naturopathic Medicine   |  Naturopathy II   |  Nutri-Spec
Oregano   |  Oxygen Therapy   |  Contents   |  QXCI   |  Dr. Richard Gerber Testimonial
NUTRI-SPEC   |  Psoriasis  |  Endorsements  (Patients, Doctors, Practitioners, etc)
Chelation Therapy   |  Masters and Millionaires - eye candy tour