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A scoop on Mica and Kat
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20, Cleveland, OH
Q: What CD is in your walkman right now, and what is your favorite cut off the album?
A: The Teletubbies Soundtrack
Q: What do you think you bring to the band on a personal level?
A: I Dunno, I'm just a puppet. Lou control everything we do, from what to eat to when we can pee
Q: When was the first time you ever performed in front of a live audience?
A: In third grade. I was a tree.
Q: What was the first concert you attended, and who did you go with?
A: I never had enough money to attend a concert so I never went
Q: If someone wanted to learn about R&B music, which three albums would you recommend they buy first and why?
A: Eh???? what's R&B Music?
Q: Are you the first one to leave a party, or do you close the place down and then appoint yourself "Prince of the After-Party"?
A: I'm the first to leave the party cause I have no friends to party with and no one invites me to their party.
Q: What band or performer were you obsessed with when you were growing up, and how did you display your loyalty to them?
A: Michael Jackson. By molesting little children
Q: What's your favorite fast food restaurant and what do you always order there?
A: McDonald's Nuggets and Fries cause I'm cheap and don't want to dine in expensive restaurants
Q: What do you notice first about a woman's appearance, and what do the ladies need to have going for them to interest you?
A: They need to be dumb blonds for me to get interested.
Q: If you attended the MTV Music Video Awards, which artist would you want to meet most and why?
A: Janet Jackson --
Q: What is the best and worst thing about being the oldest sibling in a family with four kids?
A: I got the hardest punishments and worst rules, but it's good because I get to have little servants
Q: You're from Ohio. Which show best represents your state: The Drew Carey Show or WKRP in Cincinnati and why?
A: The Drew Carey Show. He represents with the Cleveland Indians in the background --- and he talks about cities five minutes from my house.
Q: Where do you see yourself in 15 years?
A: Hopefully getting a real life after they release me from this mess I got myself into
21, Rancho Cucamonga, CA
Q: What CD is in your walkman right now, and what is your favorite cut off the album?
A: Will Smith -- I mean Third eye Blind.... I ain't Black OKAY???
Q: You have a Backstreet Boy shirt hanging on your wall. Which Backstreet member do you feel you have the most in common with and why?
A: A.J. Because we're both ugly
Q: Hold old were you when you received your first kiss, and how did it happen?
A: 12. The last day of 8th grade I kissed my girlfriend for the first time.
Q: What is going to be your first "big baller" purchase when you receive your first phat check?
A: What?? we actually get I paycheck?? I was told that we're only puppets here..
Q: Do you collect anything? If so, what do you collect and what is your collection like now?
A: I don't really collect anything except for things that are personal to me and mean a lot. I have drawers full of stuff.
Q: If you attended the MTV Music Video Awards, which artist would you want to meet most and why?
A: Will Smith--- Aerosmith, I ain't Black, OKAY??
Q: You've claimed to like music ranging from rap to country. If you could put together a country artist and a rap artist for a duet…who would it be and why?
A: Who say's I like rap, I ain't Black, OKAY?? As for for country music, well I.....
Q: Er, Thank you, on to the next question...You're a giant fan of Will Smith…which movie of his was your favorite and why?
A: Says who??
Q: What was the first concert you attended, and who did you go with?
A: Boyz II M... I mean Backstreet Boys I went with my sister and one of her friends and my friend Jerrod Kilde.
Q: What is your best pick up line? When and where was the last time you used it?
A: I don't use pick up lines.
Q: Do you have any nicknames, and do you like being called them or is it annoying?
A: I have a nickname from my fraternity and it is Whitey because I 'm White OKAY???
Q: Where do you see yourself in 15 years?
A: I don't see O-Town will ever be succesful so I'll be pursuing my dream of being an actor once they release me.
20, San Diego, CA
Q: What has been your worst "style" experiment?
A: When the stylists dress you up all preppy so I look like a Boy Scout.
Q: You claim to have only a few close friends…what qualities does someone have to possess to make it into your inner circle?
A: Someone who is real and someone who lives a morally good life style that is fun to be around.
Q: You describe yourself as being the "comic relief" in situations. If you could have starred in any movie this year, which comedy would it have been and why?
A: Me myself and Irene. 'Cause I'm an idiot like Jim Carrey
Q: What is your first memory of becoming a Michael Jackson fan and which Michael Jackson phase are you the greatest fan of? (i.e. "Off the Wall" Michael, "Thriller" Michael, "Scream" Michael)
A: That was when Micheal tried to molest me when I was 6.
Q: What is your favorite holiday, and what family traditions do you look forward to the most during that time?
A: Christmas, 'cause that's the only time when I can get away from this O-Town business
Q: What was the first concert you attended, and who did you go with?
A: I don't remember cause i have short term memories
Q: If you attended the MTV Music Video Awards, which artist would you want to meet most and why?
A: Right now Eminem. I want to learn to act Black like he does.
Q: Considering your diverse musical tastes, who would be your fantasy band or artist to open for on tour?
A: Michael Jackson without a doubt, the problem is he thinks he's White like Travis... What?? Oh.. I meant Trevor
Q: What actresses or singers do you currently consider to be your "type"?
A: None, I'm unsure of my sexuality
Q: What is one of your hidden talents that most people don't know you have?
A: I think it's inappropriate to say it on a clean web-site.
Q: Where do you see yourself in 15 years?
A: "On the top position when I make love for the first time"
21, New York City, NY
Q: So, was your mom a fan of "C.H.I.P.s," and who was your favorite, Ponch or John?
A: No she wasn't. John was my favorite because my name wasn't John (just kidding)!
Q: What was the first concert you attended, and who did you go with?
A: Teletubbies Live
Q: What CD is in your walkman right now, and what is your favorite cut off the album?
A: Actually, I'm too poor to afford a walkman or discman
Q: If you attended the MTV Music Video Awards, which artist would you want to meet most and why?
A: Aerosmith, they have maintained longevity and a creative edge through the years.
Q: You claim you "love to learn", so what was your favorite subject in school and why?
A: English literature and humanities, because I'm too dumb to excel in Sciences and Math so that I can actually get a real Job.
Q: What do you consider a perfect night out in your hometown of New York City?
A: Pickpocketing tourists in the morning, taking the train downtown to go shoplifting and to steal a slice of pizza.
Q: What about your "Nuyorican" heritage are you most proud of?
A: Being able to relate to two very proud races- Puerto Rican and New Yorker.(as if New Yorker is a Race
Q: If you could have one home-cooked meal delivered to you when you go on tour…what would that meal be and who would have cooked it?
A: What?? we're actually gonna be going on tour???
Q: What electronic items (i.e. palm pilot, cell phone, video games, etc.) could you not live without and why?
A: Cell phone - I'm too much of a social person and I need to talk to my mom cause i'm a Mama's Boy.
Q: If you looked back on all your old girlfriends, what one thing did they all have in common?
A: To tell you the truth I never had any girlfriends. (sigh!)
Q: When did you know performing is what you wanted to do for the rest of your life? (Was it an elementary school play, making your mom laugh at the dinner table, etc.)
A: When I started singing in church around the age of 7. People would come up to me crying and chocking me and saying my voice is irritating. So I wanted to make people suffer more
Q: Where do you see yourself in 15 years?
A: hopefully getting out of this O-Town Mess and start looking for a real Job
19, Redding, CA
Q: What was the first concert you attended, and who did you go with?
A: It was a Third Eye Blind concert and I went with my bestfriend/cousin Casey. Yes everyone in my family have gender neutral names, so we can be both guys and girls in our relationships
Q: If you attended the MTV Music Video Awards, which artist would you want to meet most and why?
A: Michael Jackson…is that even a question?!! He is such a legend and he revolutionized pop music forever.
Q: What CD is in your walkman right now, and what is your favorite cut off the album?
A: Shania Twain, Man I feel like a woman.
Q: Since "Friends" is one of your favorite TV shows, which of the female characters is most like someone you would date and why?
A: I would actually like to date one of the guys and It would definitely be Ross!! I love his sense of humor and that is something that really goes over big with me. I also think that Davis Schwimmer is handsome.
Q: What do you consider the best thing about your hometown of Redding, California?
A:I can drive down to San Francisco (Gay Town, U.S.A).
Q: You brought "Star Wars" sheets with you to Orlando. Would you consider yourself more of a Luke Skywalker or a Han Solo and why?
A: Actually Princess Leia, 'cause we're both fine ladies.
Q: How long does it typically take you to get ready for an evening out on the town, and which takes longer a) doing your hair or b) picking out what you're going to wear?
A: doing my hair, putting on make-up choosing from all nice dresse I have , picking up the right pair of heels to go with my dress, usually it takes up to an hour. .
Q: What music do you use to set the mood when you're trying to get "your swerve on" with a hot lady?
A: You mean a hot guy ..."I'm too sexy" by Right Said Fred.
Q: Are you more of an "Iron Chef" guy (competitive and focused) or an "Emeril Lagasse" type chef (likes to party and be a ham)…and what dish do you prepare to impress a date?
A: Most definitely "Emeril Lagusse." If I am really trying to pour it on I'll call my Mom and she will help me with her culinary experience with something really different so I can cook that special meal for that special guy.
Q: Who was your favorite singer in Junior High, and was your life affected by your being a fan of that particular band?
A: RuPaul, that's why I wanna be a Woman
Q: You claim you're always known as the "funny one." Who are your favorite comedians?
A: Robin Williams, Nathan Lane because they're gay.
Q: Where do you see yourself in 15 years?
A: Married to the guy of my dreams and be a housewife.
everything in here is from an o-town website, so thanks!