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August    2000

Well, one hot August day, my friend Kelley and I were going to have a pleasant boating day on Lake Mead. We started out for Callville Bay. On the way to the lake we listen to the weather forcast for Lake Mead.

To our surprise there were hardly any winds, which means the Lake is flat, and we could go anywhere with no problems. So of course I suggested lets drive to Temple Bar, Az. Then we could spent the day at Sandy Point. Or even take a little trip to "Pearce Ferry." But no farther, because we know of the, "Dangerous Navigation" leading to the Southern Entrance to The Grand Canyon.

But we could take a little peek at the canyon, because it's just around the corner from Pearce Ferry?

So when we got to the Ferry, yes we said let's go in and see if we could enter, The Grand Canyon.

On this page we brought back some good photos of our day, also they will help explain the wonderful day we had.

We did make it to the entrance, but could not enter due to the grass and the shallow water. The depth sounder read 16 feet, but we would have to travel about a quarter of a mile thought the high grass to get in. The day was a trouble free day, and we decided not to take the chance of any damage to the boat.

Also take note of the photo of Kelley, and the water behind him. We both saw these bubbles coming up from the bottom of the lake. We were in about twenty two feet of water. Kelley said they must be fish, but when we stop the boat, they just kept coming up in the same spot. Then we notice they were all around us. They were coming from the bottom of the lake as if there were hot springs under the lake.

I will also put little notes under the photos as I build this page. Yes, we are going back with my wave runner. That way we will not have to worry about the shallow water. So stop by again for the update on the adventures of getting into the Grand Canyon by water.

Have a nice day, we did on Lake Mead. Bye for now;


Renee Butler
Las Vegas, Nevada
United States

Grand Canyon straight ahead, and no comments about woman drivers. We are the best!

It just has to be around the next corner!

"That's it right behind me!"

Behind Kelley are those bubbles we told you about, coming from the bottom of the Lake. Also can you see the burnt grass we would have to travel threw. The mountain in the back ground is the door way into the canyon. One other item, the water coming out of the canyon was a muddy color. Not the blue green we are use to seeing on Lake Mead.

"The day's end"

"The Grand Canyon , we will return."