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Dangerous Mindz...

Da Miseducation of Sumita

Rite now, I'm pursuing a double Arts/Law degree in The University of Melbourne. My major is Psychology & I've just finished my 2nd year.

Anywayz, you must be wonderin' how I ended up studyin in Melbourne. Well, my primary & secondary education wuz completed in Singapore - which followz Britain's education system - & I wuz then meant to go on to College (the equivalent of Australia's Year 12).

To gain entranz into any College in Singapore, one has to sit for sumtin called the O'levels. In my case, I did 8 unitz (English, Math, Additional Math, Geography, pure Physics, pure Chem, pure Bio & Mandarin) and had to pass a minimum of 6 subjects...out of which passes in English & Mandarin, were compulsory. So what happened? Ahh..da moment of truth.

I failed da latter subject. Miserably. In a nutshell, my lack of adequate language skillz did much to contribute to the ensuing overseas education. So off I flew to Oz. I then went on to do my Year 12 in Trinity College & as they say, da rest is history. Today I have to say, that failing dat paper was the best thang that could have eva happened to me.