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Weather and Climate

This time of year throughout Switzerland you can expect partly cloudy skies with highs in the mid to upper 40's and lows in the mid to low 30's. In the higher elevations expect beautiful snow thought most of the winter season. Enjoy the sunrise around 8:00 a.m. every morning and sunset at approximately 5:00 p.m.

Though the highest peaks of the Alps receive a high snowfall the year-round (it's rare July-September, however), yet Switzerland has a cool and cozy climate throughout the year. The best seasons looking to the weather conditions are Spring, summer and autumn. June and July are the months when the alpine wildflowers are usually at their peak, but summer is the season for the overwhelming tourist traffic visiting Switzerland. The meteorologists suggest the tourists to visit in May unless and until skiing is an important part of their itinerary. The tourists are advised to take a sweater, a light raincoat and folding umbrella while going on a Switzerland Tour.














This web site was constructed for a school project. Information was taken from the credited sites along with information from search engines. We can be reached at