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  1. Eru Tahitangata [tane of 20]
  2. Perenara Te Tewe [brother of 22]
  3. Karanama Te Whakaheke
  4. Enoka Te Wano [tane of 13]
  5. Mohi Heremia [Te Tihi]
  6. Haikana Rakaupehi
  7. Ruihi Piripi [Te Ari]
  8. Piripi Te Ra(waraki)[tane of 17]
  9. [Te] Hiwi Piahana [tane 3 of 14]
  10. Wehipeihana Taharape
  11. Hakaria Rangikura
  12. Tereturu Hamahona
  13. Hopia Enoka [wahine of 4]
  14. Te Raiti Te Hiwi [wahine3 of 9]
  15. Riria [Hemi] Ranapiri
  16. Rititia [Matiaha] Ranapiri
  17. Meri Piripi [wahine of 8]
  18. Rangituia Perenara [wahine2 of 2]
  19. Oriwia Te Kohu
  20. Pane Tahitangata [wahine of 1]
  21. Kapu Petera (Te Ari?)
  22. Ngareti Te Tewe [brother of 2]
  23. Makere Ranapiri [wahine of 30, daughter of 15, sister of 32]
  24. Mereopa Tima [wahine of 32]
  25. Hotene Ngawi
  26. Ngahora Te Waaka
  27. Hoana [Keremihana] Witana
  28. Aterea Taue[h]ke
  29. Ropata Ranapiri [brother of 30, brother of 31]
  30. Tamati Ranapiri [brother of 29, brother of 31]
  31. Tiemi Ranapiri [brother of 29, brother of 30]
  32. Tamati Tima [brother of 23]