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If all my friends were
to jump off a bridge,
I wouldn’t jump with them,
I’d be at the bottom to
catch them.

If you ever come aross an angel everyday, in the world around us,
real life angels doing the things they do and bringing more
smiles to the world around them.
Real-life angels build bridges instead of walls. They don´t play
hide and seek with the truth, they do what ever
they can to help you.
Real-life angels understands difficulties and
always give tha benefit of the doubt.
They don´t hold others up to the standers they
can´t live by them selves.
Real-life angels are what "inner-beauty"
is all about.
Real-life angels don´t hold things against you,
the only thing they you.
They take
your hand in theirs when you could use a little
guidance and direction in your life.
And they support you in your attempts to do what is right.
Real-life angels multiply your smiles and add to
your intergrity.
They make you feel like "hey,
im really am somebody who matters".
Then they
quietly prove to you how beautiful and true the
feeling really is.
If you ever come across an angel like this, you
are one of the luckiest people of all.
If someone in your life is womderfully like an
angel to you, it´s important to let them know.
It´s the nicest compliment you ever could give...
in all the days of your life and in all the years
that you live.

::Lilla ängel::
Du Lilla ängel vid min sida, som tröstar mej när jag dej ber.
En tacksamhets tanke jag dej sänker, det är det enda jag kan ge, för du lilla ängel kan jag ej se,
men din kraft jag känner, så skönt att ha sådana vänner.

Djupt under jorden går strömmar av mörka vatten.
Djupt i männsikors själar går mäktiga strömmar av
längtan och saknad, av kärlek och hat och förtvivlan.
Ingen anar jordens dolda strömmar.
Ingen kan läsa en männsikas ensamma tankar.
Ändå finns de där.
Djupt, djupt i det fördolda.
