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Now I'd better explain my feelings before delving into the first of Teena's epic albums. For me the middle eighties, when soul became very synthesized, was a time when I kinda lost interest in soul for a while. The musical element seem to go out the window and was replaced with a more synthesized sound. Personally it did not do a lot for me. "Robbery" is a musical romance concept album, beautifully produced and mixing the incoming synth sound with the T.GROOVE in the faster tracks on the album. The rest of the album is the pure original T.SOUND that we come to expect. The highlights on this album, for me, are "SHADOW BOXING" - I love the way she blends passion with jazz in this classic ballad. The tracks "DEAR LOVER" & "CASANOVA BROWN" are gems. "CASANOVA BROWN" is about the end of the love affair, and I have heard it mentioned that this song also signifies the end of her relationship with Rick James. Overall it's a great album, where you can see the change in Lady Tee's music, with the synth sound comming in on tracks like "FIX IT" - a hard hitting dance track and midnight magnet. {1983 Epic}

1. Robbery (Teena Marie)
2. Playboy.> (Teena Marie)
3. Shadow boxing(Teena Marie)
4. Midnight Magnet(Teena Marie/P.J)
5. Fix It(Teena Marie)
6. Ask Your Momma(Teena Marie)
7. Dear Lover( Teena Marie)