Badger Drive Festival
Thursday, August 1st. to Sunday, August 4th, 2002
Thursday, August 1st
10:30am-12:30am "Meet and Greet" with our MHA. Hon. Anna Thistle. Minister of Labour, at Fire Hall parking lot. There will be Hot Dogs for kids.
5-7pm Pot Luck Dinner at the Fire Hall. Admission will be $5.00 per person.
8pm Variety Concert at Avoca Collegiate. Admission will be $3.00 per person
Friday, August 2nd.
6pm Mixed Softball Tournament at the ball field on River Road. Registration will be $100 per team.
7:30pm Little Miss and Miss Badger Pageants at Avoca Collegiate. Admission will be $2.00 per person.
9:30pm Teen Dance at the Stadium on River Road. Admission will be $2.00 per person.
Saturday, August, 3rd - Badger Day 2002
9:00am Mixed Softball Tournament
9:30am Assemble for the parade at the fire hall
10:00am Parade around the Town
10:30am Grand Stand Ceremonies
11:00am-Noon Seniors Social at the Fire Hall
Noon Games of chance, canteen services, and Bingo at the Stadium
3:00pm Teddy Bear Picnic at the playground on School Road. Ages 3-7
9:30pm Adult Dance at the Badger Stadium. Music by the "Wiseman Brothers". Admission $10.00 Double, $5.00 Single.
Sunday, August, 4th
All Day - Softball Tournament
Copyright 2002
Website designed and maintained by Paul Loder, Leonard Guy & Des Snow.
For further information call Town office of Badger at 709-539-2406 or send
an e-mail to