This is for all of the following who want to save time, effort, and mostly even money concerning their travelling for our wonderful sport
- especially to the big events = Olympic Games, World + European Championships, World Cup, ALL Pro Tour events (!) etc. -,
but still get good lodging, which mainly is close to the venue and unexpensive.
- you fans, who want to watch and cheer for your favourite players,
- you players' friends and family, who wish to accompany them,
- you professional and other players, who have to organise and pay your journeys yourself,
- you journalists,
- you federations' + tabletennis companies' staff, who have to organise and pay your journey yourself,
My aim is to make it easier and cheaper for you to travel in TT, and still get the solutions that fit you best.
By that, I also hope to help marketing tabletennis as a whole.
This website is meant as a little reminder of that there is someone, who specifically cares about travelling for tabletennis
+ of those of the upcoming 1-3 events, which I'll definitely work with.
Don't hesitate to send me your request for certain (also other) events!
Especially you players: Send me your (rough, non-binding) plan for the next 3-12 months, so I know, how many are interested in help for each single Pro Tour event!
The MORE interest there is, the more likely it is that I can help you save time+money! (And by that even enable you to play 1-3 tournaments more, than you could
afford otherwise!) And the EARLIer I can look for + reserve accommodation, the safer it is, that I'll have the ones closest to the venue, cheapest, and best for you!
What you find here so far:
* Little TTTravel flyer: a Word document (which you - by clicking - can open, print, and, if you like the idea, spread to anyone who might like some tt travel help!),
telling you all about my ideas of how to help organise your travel needs in connection with tabletennis (written mainly for spectators):
simple English version (old) + simple English version (old)
* German Open 2009 (Bremen) offer + booking form (Just as an example! So this time only in German + mainly made for the spectators;
but including the main things for you: the list of lodgings (from 17,9 Euro in a double (or even 12,9 in a triple room); or 250 m from the hall; etc.);
and the offer of a train ticket through all of Germany for only 39 Euro!)
* Polish Open 2009, Warsaw
TTTravel has lodging for you close to the venue (AND close to the players' hotel AND the train station!)
and from only SO little per person per night (weekday / night from Friday+Saturday)
- 10,5 / 11,9 Euro for a bed in a 4- to 8-bed-room!
- 24,9 / 25,9 in a double or twin room (shared bathroom on the corridor)!
- 25,9 / 27,5 with own bathroom!
- 27,5 with own bathroom AND kitchen!
Please email or call as soon as possible!
Marcus Drewsen, TTTravel
Unterwaldenstr. 7, 81475 Munich, Germany
Internet: / Main, German site:
eMail: (= /
Tel (7 days, 8-24!): +49-89-7458450 Mobile: +49-160-7986012 (only SMS + if no answer at office no.)