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My Dreams

Warning!! You are about to delve into my head. It's a dangerous place in there for outsiders sometimes!!!

This page is home to my dreams. I have proclaimed throughout the land that my dreams will become available to the public. So here they are, displayed in as much entirety as I can remember, for everyone to laugh at or whatever. It'll only be updated when I have a dream. So all you people that can't wait for my next dream and need a fix of surreality, tell me and I'll set up a special random thoughts page. I only need one person to request it to make this possible. Send any comments to me either through my guestbook on the main page, or to my email at

My Dreams (sorted by date)

May 8, 2001
June 19, 2001
July 18, 2001
August 26, 2001
October 18, 2001
February 21, 2002