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August 26, 2001

ok, my latest dream is kinda a short one. A couple of my friends from oregon and I take over the Minnesota Twins baseball club. We aren't players, just like managers and other high up officials. A pretty good gig come to think of it.
Anyway, we have fun going to a few games, telling the players what to do, and so forth. Then one day I'm watching over the warmup before a game, and suddenly everyone starts yelling and getting kind of mad.
I look over to see why and it turns out that the other team has showed up. The catch is that the team we're playing is three full little league teams. They take the field and there is all sorts of confusion.
There are three people at each position. We decide to play them as is, so the first twins batter steps up to the plate, and is struck out with one pitch (because of the three pitchers). I complain to the umpire that there should be maybe 9 strikes before a strikeout is called because of the extra pitchers. The umpire denies my suggestion and the game continues.
The next batter steps up and hits two of the balls deep into the backfield. Each ball, however, is hit directly to a group of three outfielders and they all collide. A person from each group comes up with the ball, and each counts as an out.
So now the twins take the field and the first three batters from the other team walk up to the plate. This just starts getting to weird for me, so I wake up. Probably the first time I voluntarily woke myself up.