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February 21, 2002

Feb. 21, 2002

I start out driving around Oregon with my sister and one of her friends. We are looking for christmas trees. My sister's friend keeps insisting on getting a plastic tree, but I don't want one since I've had to live with one all through my college career. each tree lot we stop at doesn't have the tree I'm looking for, but seems to have a lot of plastic trees that my sister and her friend keep pulling out of the ground. Just then I get the idea to drive across the street from this one tree lot, to a huge church. They seem to be selling trees, and are doing quite well. So I decide to go inside to see if they have the perfect tree. This church seems to have been built weird because you go through the door, and then you have to go down a ladder to the ground level, then go up another ladder to get to the tree yard. So my sister and I go through, and each door we go through is just barely big enough for us to fit through, and I seem to hear children laughing each time I go through. Once I go through the final door, I notice a CD player laying next to the door, it's got a cd of the sounds of children laughing, and it's controlled by a light switch and sensors. So I turn it off, and look back, and notice my sister somehow got her shoelaces stuck on the door. So I free her from the door, and we head toward the trees. Then I wake up.