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June 19, 2001

I had known this girl for many years, she was a friend of my sister's, and in the dream she lived down the street from me. But for years I had acted like I either hated her, or we were just aquaintances, but secretly I had the biggest crush on her.
So one day I find out that she and her parents are moving. When I find out, I go over to her house and start being the nicest guy in the world to her. I keep thatup for a weekwhile her family's busy packing.
They still have a couple of days left at the place, and she has everything all packed up, and doesn't have anywhere to sleep now. So being the newfound nice guy that I am, I reccomend she sleep at my house (since we have an extra room).
So she spends a few nights there, and all the while I'm in my room trying to think of a nice romantic way that I could tell her that I'm in love with her. (Oh, and a strange thing is, that during that couple of days, I get a look at her because she's around me so much, and I realize that she looks exactly like Rachael Leigh Cook.)
Anyway, a few days pass and then one day her dad comes to the door, (he has a very kinda frozen frowning look on his face) and says that they're leaving today and he came to collect his daughter.
I'm totally devistated because she still doesn't know how much I really like her. I figure, screw romantics, if I don't tell her how I feel, she'll never know.
So all that day I try to tell her, but I keep just barely missing her. Then in the last minute before she leaves my chance comes.
She's walking down the hall toward the doorway and I'm sitting in the living room watching her load her stuff into the U-Haul. Anyway, I see her come down the hall, turn into the living room heading toward the door, and she turns to me and gives me the sweetest smile I've ever seen, it leaves me dumbfounded and I can only say "I... I...," then her father comes in, and pulls her out the door because they had to leave like 10 minutes ago.
So they pull out into the street, and drive off, and then I wake up not knowing if I'll ever see her again.