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October 18, 2001

Ok, it's been a while, but I finally had a dream. This one starts out with me loading a U-Haul for yet another equipment move for the Bozeman Symphony Orchestra. I'm loading with JD, Brianna, and Ross (a few of my friends and fellow kappas). We finish loading the truck, and we start heading over to the auditorium to unpack everything and set up the stage for the coming concert.
During the trip, JD starts tickling Brianna (as usual) and she keeps hitting JD to get him to stop (again, as usual). Just then I decide to get into this fun stuff, so I start telling JD the art of tickling that I've learned over the years. JD's not really getting what I'm saying, so I decide to use Brianna as a model.
So I start out with the head. I try tickling her ear, and she doesn't do anything, and I say, "Some people are ticklish behind the ear, and apparently this specemin isn't." So I go on to the back of her neck, and she jerks her head back. I say "Now most people are ticklish around here because of the nerves under the skin all intersecting and going to the brain. You can tell they're ticklish there because of the sudden head jerk or sudden sinking of the neck."
JD is quite intrigued by this and wants me to go on to some of the other points. So I go on to under the arm and say "Now everyone knows that this is a very ticklish spot." Meanwhile brianna is now moving around really fast trying not to get tickled.
Next I move on to her sides saying "These two spots I just learned aobut recently in college." So I poke her lightly in the sides and she squeals a bit, and then I tickle the back of her knee. Then I say, "Of course there's also the feet and the belly, but this subject is wearing shoes so I won't demonstrate this." Brianna lets out a sigh of relief that the tickling is finally over, and I wake up.