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My Favorite Things

Hey! you found the site that delves deeper into my psyche just a little bit more. Anywho, here's a little list of my favorites of like everything that shaped me to be who I am today. Well, here we go...

Movie- I've got so many that it's hard to choose
T.V. Show- Early Edition, but now that it's off the air... I'll say Friends.
Pet- Cat
Number- Why would someone have a favorite number? lol, why would I put this category if I'm not going to answer it?
Sport- Nascar Racing (and for those of you who don't think it is a sport, contact me and I'll get into a fun little arguement about why it is)
Place- Switzerland
Car- affordable: Dodge Dakota, If I were able to own any car: I'd say a hummer.
Class- Bowling only now I am not taking bowling, so my new favorite is jazz band
Crayon color- Forest Green
Season- Fall (it can rain, snow, be sunny, and still have cool colors all in one season)
Beverage- Kool Aid any flavor
Sibling- Only got one, my sister
Friend- I really don't want to rank my friends, so I'll just list a few names that come to my head. JD, Briana, Ross, Rachel, Mike, Karl, Misty, Christense, Kristen... the list could go on forever.
Actor- Ben Affleck
Actress- Sandra Bullock
Male singer- Richard Marx and Will Smith
Female singer- Mandy Moore
Group- Linkin Park
Camera- Any good digital, or for real ones, I'd definately say Nikkon
Military Jet- F-14 Tomcat

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