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My Virtual Photo Album

Welcome to my online photo album. Here you'll see pictures of my friends from high school, college, and online. It's not all of my friends, but more will come as I get pictures scanned. Enjoy!

My sister

This is my sister. She's fun and totally opposite from me. I could say so much about her (because she's my sister) but that's for another page on another day. She's the one on the left. The other one is one of her old roommates. The other photo is of my sister at her graduation from high school.

This is Stensie

She's one of my buds from high school. She didn't even go to the same high school as me. In fact, we went to rival schools and happened to work at the same place.

This is Katie

She went to high school with me for a few years, then she moved to the other coast to finish high school and go to college. She's a really cool person and so fun to talk to.

This is Melissa

I've known Melissa for many many years, ever since my elementary school years. She's very fun and knows how to throw a party.

Next Page College friends