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My Inspirational Page

Ever feel like that image? I know I do quite a bit. So I turn to a few things to keep me sane.

"Go try to invent something!!"
I don't know who said that, but it's great advice. it relieves tension, and if you get done and find you've created something that's useful to everyone, you can patent it and sell it and make lots of money from people that want it.

"Don't let someone drive you crazy when it's within walking distance" ~Anonymous
lots of people may have opinions about what this means, but I see it as a way to relax and not let anything get to you.

"Strive for the Highest" ~Kappa Kappa Psi motto.
What can I say? It's a great motto.

"Stop and take a look around every once in a while" ~I think I actually got this one off a car commercial.
Despite what everyone says, you don't really have to work and work until you break down. Sometimes I just stop what I'm doing at work, and go outside and watch the clouds for a minute or two.

"Get out all the stupid stuff like skipping classes and running wild during middle school and high school. Suprisingly, it'll help you be more focused in college and you won't go off to a clock tower and shoot everyone you can get your sites on" ~Me (as told by one of my teachers in college)
This is really really good advice. The worst part is that I'm studying to be a middle or high school teacher so I'll have to deal with the same people that I'm advising to run rampant! Ain't that nuts!?!

"Do something spontaneous!" ~me, I think
Liven up your life a little. Add a little spontinaity.

"Go look it up" ~my parents
Hehe, my parents made me and my sister look everything up in the dictionary. One day I just decided to read the whole thing.

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