Cheryl and Ryan

Yes!! A picture with Ryan's hat!

Cheryl and Hippies

I honestly remember nothing about this picture, except that it's Cheryl with a bunch of random hippies.

Mel & Cheryl

Cheryl and me, in a race to see which of us can have the most pictures of the two of us.

Cheryl, Mel, LKK

Cheryl, LKK and me at our table in the BB Lounge.

Group pic w/ Drink

Here's Cheryl's version of the magical drink group pic. :)

Mel at Frank slots

Me at the Frank Sinatra slots.

Group at Table

Our group at the table...before we had gotten rid of Creepy Old Guy (he was the one taking the pic).

Mel and Cheryl

Me and Cheryl being obsessed with each other a little more.

Mel and Cheryl Drunk

And, how we ended the trip...both of us drunk and not wanting to leave!!

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