Mel, Michelle, and Laura

Me, Michelle, and Laura taking pictures before the Saturday show.

Cheryl and LKK

Cheryl and LKK posing for the camera before the show.

Ryan, Greg, Chip

As the result of a scene in Freezes, Ryan is on Greg's back, with Chip looking on. I can't even remember what was going on in this scene! Notice Brad's *ahem* blouse.

Jeff, Colin, Brad

Poor Colin had to freeze while dancing across the stage!

Group on stage

It's a little fuzzy because they all started moving as I was taking the pic, but you see Colin, Greg, Jeff, and Chip, in motion. Saturday seemed to be a day of black for the performers. And they looked damn good. :)

Chip signing

Chip signing LKK's sign.

Me and Colin

Sweet, adorable Colin, and me. After we saw this pic and Michelle said it was cute, he said, "Yeah, I do cute really well." :)

Me and Jeff

My boyfriend and I posing for a picture. This is the pic that I thought didn't take...turns out it did. :)

Me and Cheryl

A lovely picture that Cheryl and I took of ourselves after the fun of Saturday night. :)

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