
Cheryl and I slept until 2 in the afternoon! We couldn’t believe how late we slept when we looked at the clock and saw how late it was. We had a lazy day...laid around and read some magazines for a while. We decided to run downstairs and eat at the Dragon Noodle Company for breakfast/lunch, then looked in some of the shops downstairs for cute shirts. We came back into the room to get dressed. We watched some of The American President and got ready to meet LKK, Laura, and Michelle at the MGM Grand Buffet. We walked over there and met them in the buffet. We had some nice dinner, and talked about our days and the people so far. Laura and Michelle left to get Starbucks before the show started, while Cheryl, LKK and I stayed to finish eating and chat a bit. We exchanged our pictures and autographs, and told the stories of the night before.

When we were done, we walked down to the EFX ticket office to see if Cheryl could get a ticket to the show that night. They only seat she could get was pretty far away, so she decided to not spend the money. LKK, Laura, and Michelle went into the theater to get their seats, and Cheryl and I ran to the Coyote Cafe to grab a drink before I left Cheryl all alone. Unfortunately, we realized that I couldn’t bring the drink into the theater with me, so I had to drink it in about 2 seconds...good times. :) Cheryl and I agreed to meet after the show at the Betty Boop Lounge. I went into the theater and got my seat with LKK.

The show was very interesting. It was great...very funny! But very weird at the same time. I don’t know. They had a heckler to deal with, which Greg took care of very well! This guy was such an was funny, because he had been picked for Sound Effects, and didn’t do anything. Later in the show, during Jeopardy, he started yelling “NEXT” when one of the performers was doing a joke. It got quite annoying, because he kept DOING it. The guys ignored him at first, but he became very hard to ignore, so they just started going off on him. At one point, Brad, Greg, and Chip were all yelling at him at the same time. Greg actually stopped mid-scene during Sentences to tell him off...”Pookie, SHUT THE FUCK UP! We are brilliant!.....Your impression on my life is over. I don’t go to *mumble* (I couldn’t hear the word he said) and slap all the dicks out of your mouth, do I?” It was so good!! Finally, the guy was escorted out. Other than that, it was a wonderful show. After it ended, I ran to the Betty Boop Lounge to get Cheryl. I looked all around, but couldn’t see her in there anywhere. I wasn’t sure where she was, so I walked back by the theater. She wasn’t there either, and now neither was LKK. I tried to get in touch with them, but couldn’t. At this point, Jeff, Chip, Colin, and Brad were all hanging around and giving autographs and pictures to fans. I kind of sat there and watched while others talked to them—I had already talked to them, so I didn’t really want to bother them. I saw Ryan run off somewhere at some point, but didn’t know where he went. I was standing next to a couple of people, and saw one of the women point at one of the other women, and go, “This is Colin’s wife!” She’s Colin’s wife!”. I looked over and, sure enough, it was Deb. She looks very different in person than I’ve ever seen her on tv...I would never have recognized her if I hadn’t heard that woman. At one point, I was sitting at a slot machine, and Deb was standing right next to me. She looked and me and smiled, and I smiled back. She asked if I knew what was around the necks of a bunch of people who were walking by. She said, “They’re like Hawaiian leis, but beaded.” I said I didn’t know what they were. She said, “But you know what I’m talking about, right?” I said, “Yeah, I know what you’re talking about—I’ve been seeing people all over wearing them. But I’m not sure what they are.” She was so sweet. :)

After that, Colin came up to Deb and they were talking, and they were just so cute together!! They’re adorable. Anyway, I was just kind of standing there, and Chip walked by. I said good job to him, and he stopped and said thanks, and we started talking about the heckler. He said that it was so funny...the guy was being such an ass, yet when he had been on stage for SE, he had done NOTHING. I agreed. After that, Chip walked away, and I noticed Colin standing nearby. I went up to him and said, “Great job tonight, Colin.” He said thanks, and I said that I’d see him next year, thanks, goodbye, and all that jazz.

After that, Erin, Patti and I went to the Betty Boop Lounge, where we found Laura, Michelle, and LKK. They told me that Cheryl was in there, and I walked up to find her with Random Old Guy, aka Paul. We all kind of hung out and talked for a while, and Paul bought me my drink (hey, I wasn’t complaining!). We were all standing at the bar, and I had just gotten a vodka sour. Jeff walked behind me at some point, and I turned around and told him that he did a great job in the show. Can I do anything to make some sort of contact with him? Anyway, at this point, I saw Ryan a little ways down at the bar, and decided to ask him for an autograph for my roomie Camille, who had asked for one, and I wanted to have him write a note to Ashley. Since I had talked to him a bit the night before, and he was SUCH a sweetheart, I decided that I had to talk to him again. Here comes the part where I made a complete fool out of myself. I started walking toward him with my drink in my hand, and he started walking toward me, with his hands full of stuff. When I saw that, I didn't want to stop him, because asking for autographs and stuff would have been annoying with all that stuff in his hands. So, I just kind of stopped walking toward him. But, he had already seen me (not too hard, considering we were about 6 feet away from each other). He said hi, and I said hi...then I was like, "Um...I don't want to bother you...nevermind." He started laughing, and was like, "What?" I said, “I don't want to bother you, I feel bad.” By now, he's really laughing. Then all of a sudden, he goes, "Cheers!". I was like, "What?" He held up his glass to mine and said, "Cheers." I was like, "Oh...okay...cheers." and clinked my glass to his. He started walking again and was still laughing...he was like, "Really, did you want something?" I was like, "No, that's okay...I don't want to be annoying." He laughed and said okay. So he went back over to the table where they were all sitting, and I went back to the bar and lamented my stupidity. *sigh* Am I good, or what?

After that, we decided to get a group picture of all of us. We went down by the stairs and took the pic with the revolving drink. When we were done, we all kind of stood there talking, and then Laura Hall came up and said hi. We talked for a while about the show and the heckler (he seemed to be the big talk of the night), and all that. She’s such a sweet woman! After that, I went to the bar, and LKK said she was going to bother Ryan. I figured that since I had already made a fool out of myself, I might as well go over there and get the autographs that I had wanted. So we went over to Ryan and LKK got her poster signed. Then I stepped up, and he made fun of me for the way I had been acting before...I forget exactly what he said, but it was something about asking me if I was ready now, or if I was back, or something like that. Very funny, Ryan. I put my now-empty glass on the table, and asked him if he could sign an autograph to my roommate. He said of course, so I gave him my ticket to write on. He said, “What’s her name?” I said, “Camille,” and he said, “Ooh, you’re gonna have to help me with that one.” I spelled it for him, and he wrote it. Then he looked at me and said, “I’m sorry, what’s your name again?” I told him Melanie, and he went to write again. Then he asked how to spell it, and I spelled it out for him. He said, “Oh man, I spelled it wrong.” I said, “It’s okay...just make a big scribble, nobody will know the difference.” :) He finished writing and gave it back to me. I thanked him, and he called me Mel. :) (I later looked at what he wrote to Camille...he had written "To Camille - Melanie's drunk!! Ryan Stiles" I was dying!!)

After that, he and LKK started talking about how she went to William and Mary. He told her how Chip went there (as we knew), and also that Deidrich Bader went there. Apparently he and Chip were in the same theater group, so they knew each other before. I didn’t know that, but that’s pretty cool. LKK mentioned that she was as senior when Chip was a freshman, and Ryan was very surprised—“Really?” She said yes, and he said that she didn’t look like it. LKK Was wondering how to take that, and he assured her that it meant that she looked younger than Chip. :) We talked about other stuff for a few minutes...we asked us where we were from, and that sort of thing. I got a little postcard thing out and asked him to write Ashley a little note. He said yeah, and was all cute about it, all smiling and stuff. :) He asked, "Are you friends with her?" (Uh, no Ryan. I go around giving messages to people from random girls who I don't know;) ) Anyway, I was like, "Yeah, she's one of my good friends." He said, "Oh, okay!" He started writing, and was like, "She's getting married, right?" I said yes. Then he asked, "Where is she now? Is she in New Jersey, or...?" I said, "She's actually living in Florida right now." He said okay, then said, "See, my computer's up north with my wife and kids, so if she has been sending emails, I haven't been able to check them." I said that I didn't think Ash had written him in a while, because she figured that he stopped getting them. He finished signing the note, asking me once how to spell one of the words. After I helped him spell it, he said, "That's how you know it's me on the internet...I don't know how to spell!" He was SO cute. After he was done, I thanked him again. He asked when we were leaving, and I explained that I was leaving at 4 am that morning, which meant that I was staying up all night drinking (true story, unfortunately...I’m very smart). He told us to have a safe trip and all, and we said goodbye and walked back over to the bar. He is just the nicest man in the entire world, and he cracks me up so much! I totally love him!

We went back to Cheryl and Paul at the bar, and I graciously let Paul buy me another drink. :) I looked over down the stairs, and saw LKK, Laura, and Michelle talking to Sean. I wanted a picture with him, so I went down to join them. They were talking about the show and, again, the heckler. Sean was saying that Greg did a good job taking care of him, and all that. After that, I asked Sean for a picture. He pretended to say no, and walked away, but then came back and said yes. :) He put his arms around me and Michelle took the pic. We looked at it, and Sean asked what kind of camera it is. Then LKK took a pic with him, and he mentioned that he was going to take all the honeymoon pics now. After that, we said goodbye and he left. We went back up to the bar so that Michelle and Laura could say their good-byes. We had hugs all around and they left. After that, we noticed a free table, so we decided to sit down there instead of all standing around the bar. We got drinks and chatted for a long time—we showed Cheryl the notes from the show, and told her all about what she missed. Our table was right next to the one that Sean, Jeff, Chip, etc. were at, so a little while later, Colin came up and started talking to them. He didn't really notice us sitting there, and we were so deep in conversation that we didn't really pay much attention to him either.

. After an hour or two, LKK decided to get going to bed. We all started to get ready, and LKK had to ask Colin to move so that we could all get up. He turned around and saw us and was like, "Oh, hello!" We all said hi. Cheryl and I ran to the bathroom at this point, but when we came back, LKK had decided to get Colin to sign her picture. So, we were all just chatting and LKK turned around to Colin. She said, "I hate to bother you..." and Colin (a bit drunk, as Cheryl and I quickly realized) said, "Hit me!". So LKK literally hit him. Right there, on the arm. Cheryl and I died laughing. Cheryl then wrote up a transcript for our conversation: Mel: "Colin is so drunk!" Cheryl: "I know. LKK just hit him." It was just the funniest thing in the world, and made even funnier when Colin started signing LKK's thing, and in the middle of it confessed to us that he had almost misspelled his own name. He's just the cutest man in the world! Anyway, when he was done, I had the brilliant idea to have him write a note to Ash on the same card that Ryan did, so I said, "Can you do me a favor?" He said no. :) Then he came over to me, and I handed him the card. I said, "Can you write something to Ashley?" He looked at it, then complained that Ryan had taken up all the room on the card. We told him to just sign next to what Ryan had written, but he decided to write underneath it instead. When he was done, he gave it back and we told him that we all had a great weekend. We said that we’re hoping to come back every year for the shows, and make it an annual thing. He said, “We’re hoping to do that, too.” We said thanks again, and goodbye.

We decided to go upstairs to LKK’s room and drop her off and say goodbye up there. As we walked to the elevators, we saw Sean going into the ones that we needed to go into. Unfortunately (to Cheryl’s great disappointment), he got in before we got there, and she couldn’t fulfill her dream of running into him on an elevator. :) We all went to LKK’s room and talked for a few minutes, then said a sad goodbye. As we left to go downstairs, Cheryl stopped to grab a carnation from a room service cart in the hall. :) She looked damn hot with that thing! When we went back down into the casino, there wasn’t many people left. We looked around for $1 Wheel of Fortune machines, and noticed Jeff standing with a couple of his friends. Because I’m a dork and am in love with him, I happened to mention a *few* times that I *may* want to speak to Jeff again. :) Erin told me that she had a perfect excuse...she had only one picture left in her camera and had wanted a picture with Jeff anyway. We went over to him and Erin told him that she only had 1 picture left in her camera. He said, “Okay, get in!” and took the camera from her, pretending to take a picture of us. She said, “No, I want one with you!” He said, “You want a picture of *me* as your last picture on your film? You’re only saying that because Colin isn’t here anymore!” We laughed and he gave the camera to someone to take a pic. Erin got on his left side, and I was standing over to his right. He looked at me and held his arm out for me to get in, so I said, “Okay!” and got right in there. As we said thanks and left, Jeff said (oh so enthusiastically, as Cheryl pointed out), “Oh, you guys are going?” We laughed and told him not to be so upset about it.

We decided that now we were really done, and decided to head toward the Krispy Kreme. We went through the walkways to Excalibur and got our yummy donuts! We walked back out and stopped on the walkway to say goodbye to Erin and Patti. As we stood talking, a couple of guys came up and started talking to us about Krispy Kreme—they were apparently very excited about it. When she told them it was just a shirt, though, they decided it wasn't worth it. It was funny. Then they left, and a girl walked up to us and asked if we knew anywhere to "score some blow". So I guess we look like drug dealers at 3am when we've been drinking for a few hours. We told her no, sorry. As she walked away, Cheryl announced that it was the best weekend in Vegas that she had ever had. :) We parted ways, and Cheryl and I headed back to the Monte Carlo to finish packing. By now it was already 3am, so we didn’t have a hell of a lot of time. We walked through NYNY and got back to the Monte Carlo. We went to our room, where we packed and complained that the weekend was already over. It went so fast! After not enough time, Cheryl walked me down to the shuttle, where we said our depressing goodbyes. I got in and we headed off to the airport, after a few other stops at hotels. As we passed the MGM Grand, I noticed that they had already stopped playing the Improv All-Stars promos, which depressed me even more. I got to the airport, went to my gate, and started writing furiously about the previous night (which you are reading now). I took a little walk around, and who did I see, but LKK!! I was so excited to see her!! We chatted for a while about her final WL sighting on her way to the airport. We got water for the flight, and then had to walk to our gates because they were boarding. We said goodbye one last time, and I boarded my plane. It took off, and Year 2 of our Vegas excursions was brought to a close.

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