
I got into Vegas around 2:30 in the afternoon. I got my baggage and took a shuttle to the Monte Carlo, where Cheryl and I were staying. LKK and I had arranged for me to call her when I got to Vegas so that we could hang out for a while because Cheryl was coming in later and I couldn’t check into my room without her. As I was pulling up to the hotel, LKK called my cell phone. I told her I’d meet her in the MGM Grand after I dropped off my luggage. I walked over to the MGM, and on the way saw a promo for the Improv All-Stars. If that didn’t get me in a good mood, nothing else would have! I got all excited. :) I walked in through the walkway from NYNY and walked through the casino as memories from last year started coming back to me. I walked past the Rainforest Café, the Elvis impersonator, the lion habitat, Hollywood Theater, Betty Boop Lounge, and a few new places that had been added. I found my way to the main lobby, and met LKK there. After our big hello and hugs, we decided to pick up our tickets for the shows. We both got ours, and then LKK looked at hers more closely, and realized that they had given her a ticket for the Saturday midnight show instead of the Saturday 10:00 show. She told them the mistake, and the woman said she’d see if anything was left. She came back out and told LKK that there was a seat she had available, and showed it to her on the theater diagram. Turns out, it was closer to the stage than the original ticket she had ordered! LKK gladly grabbed it up, and we went over to the Studio Café, where we sat and got beverages and I had some soup. We sat and talked for a while about the shows and the people who were coming, and all that. We called Michelle to make sure that she and Laura had arrived safely, then hung out a bit more. We called Cheryl a bit later, and she said she had just gotten to the hotel. So, I decided to go back to the Monte Carlo and get settled before the murder mystery that we planned on going to that night.

As we were leaving, we ran into Michelle and Laura. We said hello and gave hugs, then agreed to meet at the murder mystery later that night. LKK and I parted ways with plans to meet at the MGM to get a cab to the murder mystery. I met Cheryl back at our room, and we unpacked, ate some chocolate covered potato chips, and caught up on everything. :) We walked over to the MGM to meet LKK, and the three of us got a cab. On the way to the murder mystery, we talked about how excited we were about the trip. We got to the restaurant and got our tickets, then joined the others inside.

We all sat around talking before the show began, catching up and getting to know Erin and Patti. A random guy told Cheryl that she and the waitress looked like sisters. They were a bit confused. The show started, and it was a lot of fun. We had to interact with other people there, ask them question about their murdering intentions. The waitress turned out to be the first person murdered—she explained that her name was Blue Sinatra, and she was the illegitimate daughter of Frank Sinatra. An article about the “case” was left on my plate, and the guy who was hosting it (he played a cop, his name was Eric Post and he was such a cutie!) made me stand up and talk about. The guy then made Cheryl stand up and talk because of the waitress/sister thing. The murderers turned out to be two girls in the audience, who killed because of their trained chicken, Kernel. You kind of had to be there. :)

After the show, Cheryl, LKK and I took a cab back to the MGM, where we walked around and found a table near the McDonalds to talk. We sat for a LONG time and talked about (very) random things. It was fun! LKK went up to bed, and Cheryl and I walked through the casino to go back to our hotel. We ran into Laura and Michelle on our way out, and sat and played the slots and checked out the craps tables with them. Cheryl and I left a little while later (after taking a pic of Cheryl in front of the Improv All-Stars poster), and decided to walk through NYNY to get home. Yeah, we got hopelessly lost for a little while. :) We did get to see some of the dueling pianos, though, which was really cool. We got back to our hotel, and after stopping at a shop to get drinks and snacks (and making a trip to the ice machine), we relaxed, looked at pictures, and watched tv. I fell asleep pretty soon, because it was VERY late on my time. :)

Go on to Friday