Meeting the WL Cast, Part 2!

Dawn, Julie, Michelle, me

At the Betty Boop lounge, Friday night, it's Dawn, Julie, Michelle, and me (the 19 year old). :)

Brad and Greg

Brad and Greg talking together at the Betty Boop lounge Friday night...happily oblivious to the fact that Michelle and I are taking pictures. :)

Me and Chip

Me with Chip...what a great guy! This is from Saturday night after the second PPV....I absolutely adore him!

Me and Ryan

Hee hee hee...there's me with Ryan!! :)

Me and Colin

There's me with the sweetest man in the whole world, Colin. This was taken on Sunday night, after the last show. What a doll he was for putting up with me so much this weekend! :)

Me and Ryan

Hee hee hee...there's me with Ryan AGAIN!! How I love that man.... :)

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