Whosers in Vegas - Nancy's version!


The last night, hanging out in LKK's room.

Katie, Linda, her bro

Katie, Linda, and her brother. Such a cute picture! :)

Phil and Nancy

Phil and Nancy, looking great in LKK's room. :)


Hanging out in LKK's room before we left for the mall...Rachel, me, Nancy, Cheryl, and Dharma.

Me, Phil, Nancy

This is a really great picture! Me, Phil and Nancy at the Rio, after buying our Mardi Gras tickets.

Nancy and Rachel

Nancy and Rachel after the last show...so cute.

Mardi Gras float

Another shot of our group on the Mardi Gras float.


A cute shot of Phil standing in the Bellagio.

Michelle, Dharma, Phil, Dawn

Very nice picture of Michelle, Dharma, Phil and Dawn.

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