
I arrived at the airport around 10:30 am, to find slot machines sitting right outside the gate. I just had to laugh at that! I knew I was in Vegas! I went to baggage, where I had planned to meet Peeve, Michelle, and Dawn. I saw Peeve standing by a rail, and gave him a big hug! He went to find Michelle, and I waited for my bag. I was standing there, looking, when I saw Michelle standing on the other side. She waved, and I ran over and said hi, gave her a hug, etc. Peeve came back over and found us...we waited, and waited, and WAITED for my bag! I said to Michelle, "Watch, mine's going to be the last bag." A few minutes later, my bag came out...and there was a huge piece of paper attached to it that said "LAST BAG" in big letters!! How funny!!

We went to meet Dawn by her baggage carousel. She came a few minutes later, and we got her bags. We went to the Tropicana (where Michelle and Dawn were staying), but they couldn't check in yet. We decided to get something to eat, and walked over the the MGM Grand (across the street). We saw the lion habitat, which was so cute, and decided to go to the Rainforest Cafe for a quick bite. We waited at our table for about 20 minutes, and no waiter showed up, so we decided to leave. On our way out, we watched an Elvis impersonator that was on the stage I KNEW I was in Vegas!! We went to New York New York and ate at a little Chinese place in there...soup and chicken rolls...that were oddly covered in toast! After that, Dawn and Michelle went back to the Trop and checked in, while Phil and I went to pick up LKK at the airport. We brought her back to the Trop, and we found out that she had to wait till 4 to check in.

LKK and I decided to take that time to pick up our show tickets at the MGM. We went into the casino, toward the Hollywood Theater. On the way, I all of a sudden stopped, and said, "Look, there's Kathy Kinney!". Sure enough, she walked by us and sat down at one of the tables. Buoyed by this little sighting, LKK and I were happy as we got on line to get our tickets. We waited (and WAITED) for the line to move, it took forever. We finally got to the front and picked up our tix. We saw where we were sitting, and were happy. We walked around the casino a bit, while Phil went to the airport to pick up Nancy and Cheryl. Then we walked back to LKK's room and chatted a bit, while waiting for 5:30, the time we had arranged to all meet in Michelle and Dawn's room.

We went up to their room at 5:30, and waited for Phil to come back with the others. We heard a knock on the door...and in came Cheryl! Hugs all around, we chatted for a bit. Nancy was downstairs getting ready in her room, but we were all hungry! We wanted to go to the seafood buffet, so we decided to go down to Nancy's room and get her. We got in the elevator. As the doors were closing, we saw Nancy coming out of the elevator across from us, and called her into ours. More hugs and love! We piled into the Whoser cab, and went over to the Rio. There we met Leigh, Kelly, Louise, Melanie, and Laura. We ate lots and LOTS of great seafood (not to mention dessert!), and talked, and took pics, and had a great time. As it got a bit later, we realized we had to get ready for the show...Michelle, Dawn, LKK, Cheryl and I had tickets for that night. We decided to go get ready for the show, which was at 9 pm that night. Cheryl and I checked into our room at the Luxor, and got dressed.

We left to meet LKK (who had our tickets) in what we thought was plenty of time. Well, I'm here to tell you that in Vegas, nothing is as close as it looks, and it will always take you much longer than you planned. Cheryl and I got lost in the casino, and ended up on the complete opposite side of the hotel, outside. Well, we knew where to walk...after all, we could SEE the MGM Grand. That's where we were wrong. We walked (actually basically ran) all around the entire hotel, had to find a walkway across the street to get to NYNY (because you can't just cross the street like a normal person in have to have a walkway), then get on a different walkway to go to the MGM. Now, all this wouldn't have been too bad, except that I had decided to wear my TALL shoes that night. Not a great choice for when you're running around. We got there at 9:05, sweating and disgusting. We ran to LKK, who was outside the theater looking quite nervous. We felt horrible, because we didn't want her to miss the beginning of the show! Luckliy, they started late that night, at about 9:10, so we had just enough time to go in, get our seats, and sit down. The show was great...I'll be putting actual show details on a different page, and I'll be relying on LKK for details, since she took notes! It was very funny, great to see them all perform live!

After the show, we met the others who hadn't gone to the show outside the theater. We decided to go our separate ways and walk around, then meet in LKK's room for videos afterward. Michelle and Dawn walked around MGM, Nancy went to bed, LKK went to relax in her room, and Cheryl, Dharma and I wandered around NYNY. We played at the arcade, then met Phil. We all decided to go to LKK's room, watched a few eps, and ate Cheryl's toffee. Around 2:30 am, (which was actually 5:30 am my time), we were all tired, and decided to turn in. We all went back to our rooms and fell asleep.

Go on to Friday
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