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20\12\2003 - Heavy rains across Israel, first heavy snow in the hermon. 

14-12-2003 8:00 UTC - Noaa 17 

15-12-2003 8:00 UTC - Noaa  17

15-12-2003 11:30 UTC - Noaa 16

17-12-03 11:00 UTC Noaa 16

18-12-03 08:30 UTC - Noaa 17

19-12-03 08:20 UTC - Noaa 17

21-12-03 Snow cover in the hermon


A weak trough followed by an upper level disturbance brought strong north eastern winds and a few thunderstorms.

22-12-03 11:50 UTC - Noaa 16 APT

22-12-03 11:50 UTC - Noaa 16 full


A new addition to the satellite image archive! 

Heavy snow storm in Israel. Over 25 centimeters of snow in Jerusalem.

27\1\2000 13:00 UTC Noaa 14 APT

28\1\2000 13:00 UTC Noaa 14 APT

28\1\2000 13:00 UTC Noaa 14 Full 

29\1\2000 13:00 UTC Noaa 14 - Snow cover. It is a little hard to see the snow because of the cloud cover.




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