The marae komiti wanted to recognise the support and presented Gary and Judy Conway with a taonga that they would remember Ngati Wehi Wehi. The evening was well attended which it has been all year.
We must thank some of our whanau for organising the events. Hoko Gardiner has been developing the relationship with Gary and Judy and has done an excellent job. Our other thanks go to Glen Cook for his time and resources with the kareoke and playing the music.
Our kaumatua and Sponsors
We have had excellent support from our kaumatua and kuia all year. A presentation was made to our kaumatua with an All Black tie. The photo from left to right Uncle George Ramsbotham, Gary and Judy Conway from the Key West Hotel, Horace Cook, Waati Taiaroa and Uncle Nuki Gardiner.
Our Organisers for the evening
Two people who had alot to do with the evening. Hoko Gardiner who has been very supportive of the whole whanau hui days held all year. Hinga Gardiner nee Williams who presented all our kaumatua with the ties. Ka pai
A Dancer and a Singer - A Special Couple
Two of our whanau enjoying themselves. Wiremu Dawson who has a Barry White singing voice and his lovely wahine Teresa (Tiü) who can dance.