Meet out kaumatua
Our kaumatua always support the whanau days. Uncle Nuki Gardiner, Uncle George Ramsbotham and Bubby(Hone) Matehaere who was visiting from Auckland were all caught watching the Brisbane Broncos play the Paramatta Eels.
Our D.J. and Organiser
Hoko Gardiner to the right has been organising the whanau days. His work has been great in getting everyone to have a good time. Not that we need much pushing. Glen Cook has kindly used his equipment to provide a range of music to suit all ages.
Whanau Hui Events
We have been supporting the Key West Tavern for some time now with our whanau days. We also encourage whanau to visit the Key West when visiting the Levin area. Gary and Judy can be contacted on the following number 06 368 8229.