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With less than 5% of world population the USA has over 2.4 million of 9.8 million world prisoners! The majority of U.S. inmates are in due to the drug war.
Most Republican leaders oppose cheap universal healthcare. 45,000 uninsured Americans die each year due to lack of health insurance.
The Green Triangle and the Drug War.
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*Table of Contents. After text loads, click topics below. Click TopLink, back button, or HomeKey to return here fast.

*The Green Triangle.

*More links.
*Are drug warriors Nazis? History of Nazi drug war under the Third Reich.

*Drug War charts, and more.


Introduction. [TopLink]

History will fill in a much truer picture of the modern corporate plantation fascism that is the US Drug War Prison-Industrial Complex. Much truer than the big lie painted by the corporate U.S. Mega Media, and U.S. Hate Radio. Republican Evil, Democrat Complicity.

"Fascism should more properly be called corporatism because it is the merger of state and corporate power." ~ An anonymous analysis of Benito Mussolini's fascism in Italy. Texas is an evil fundamentalist example today. ;)


GREEN TRIANGLE. Color-coded holy wars. [TopLink]

During Nazi rule those thought to be a threat to the
Fatherland were taken prisoner and placed in con-
centration camps. These prisoners were from many
different social and cultural backgrounds. To
distinguish between the prisoners, the Nazis
used a system of color coded cloth badges.
Jews were given yellow stars; half-Jews
were given yellow triangles; feminists
were given black triangles; Gypsies
were given brown; and gay men,
pink. The green triangle was
given to 'common criminals' or
those who had been convicted
of minor crimes, including
drug law violators. At
the time of Nazi rule,
a very stringent set
of anti-drug laws
was in effect --
laws that were
very similar
to those
used now
in the


*The Symbolism of the Green Triangle.

*The Green Triangle and the Drug War. and

*Nazi concentration camp badges - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

*Exclusion and extinction - the fight against narcotics in the Third Reich.
Journal of Drug Issues, Spring 2002 by Holger Mach.

*Racism of the Drug War. Charts. Revised. Many links and notes. This racism page linked just below has charts for black, white, and Hispanic inmate numbers and rates in the USA; and U.S. state by state disenfranchisement (no voting rights) laws. Many drug war notes, and LINKS to many more charts. Republican evil, Democrat complicity. The drug war disenfranchises (no voting rights) millions of voters (mostly poor people of color). Modern corporate control of the poor. and


More links. [TopLink]


*prisons1 [Drug War prison LABOR CAMPS and ABUSES].

*Review: Drug Warriors and Their Prey.

*Drug Warriors and Their Prey [Book Review by Drug War POW].

*1-98. "Controlled Substances Law to have a body part removed."

*3-98. "DEATH TO THE DRUGGIES" A Look at Prohibitionist Rhetoric and Its Consequences by Julian Heicklen.|

*Academic American Encyclopedia: Declaration of Independence.

*Bush coup d'etat by illegal disenfranchisement (no voting rights). Around 600 votes in Florida won the November 2000 U.S. presidential election. BBC, London Observer, March 9 2001 report of US Commission on Civil Rights, Congressional Black Caucus, Puerto Rican Legal Defense Fund, etc. paint big picture of ILLEGAL disenfranchisement of tens of thousands of Florida voters. Especially blacks, Puerto Ricans, poor whites. By claiming falsely that they had previous felonies that prevented them from voting. Voters that normally vote mostly Democrat. Blacks voted 9 to 1 for Democrat Gore. Also, LEGAL Florida disenfranchisement of hundreds of thousands of felons via racist Republican drug laws. Laws enacted with the help of far-right NRA lobbying for mandatory-minimum felony sentencing for both violent and non-violent (such as drug possession) felony offenses. and


Are drug warriors Nazis?. [TopLink]

Feel free to copy this section, or parts of it, anywhere. The images are remote loaded from sites that allow offsite use of the images for activist purposes. Such as pasting in email, forums, etc..

From a forum thread post:
Re: Here's what Cannabis Culture online said [Re: MedPotMarc]
      #1145159 - Wed Aug 31 2005 10:12 PM


The Nazis were persecuting the Jewish people..not cannabis consumers!

That is incorrect. See info farther down.


When we use the "Nazi" term for those who persecute cannabis consumers, it refreshes those unwanted bad memories upon the Jewish community, and these people feel like they are stereotyped as persecuted people and it could promote more persecution against them.

The Jewish people want to avoid further social persecution and discrimination at all costs.

This is why it's so important to change this "Nazi" term to something else.

I agree that we should not call a Jew a Nazi. For the above reasons. I believe that is the core reason that Marc has apologized to Irwin Colter for calling him a Nazi back when he was dictating his jail blogs.

But I did some more research:

From the Spring 2002 issue of the Journal of Drug Issues there are these quotes:
and HTML version


This [Spring 2002] issue of the Journal of Drug Issues (JDI) was first conceived about three years ago in conversations among Bruce Bullington, the editor of the JDI; Daniel Maier-Katkin, Dean of the School of Criminology and Criminal Justice at Florida State University (FSU); and Lorenz Bollinger, then Dean of the law faculty at Bremen University [Germany]. ...

We are reminded that the drug discourse and all public discussions in Germany in the past 67 years have had to take account of the Nazi experience. Atrocities committed in the name of the German people (and with their consent and participation) were based on the exclusion of groups defined as inferior, and this included drug users. The Nazis’ exclusion of drug users from the German “volk” led to central registration of users, placement in internment camps, involuntary sterilization, and similar fates. These historical events are present in the background of contemporary drug policy discussion in Germany. It is striking that the 1994 decision of the German Constitutional Court striking down statutes prohibiting possession of small quantities of drugs for personal use cited article I of the “Basic Law” (enacted after the defeat of the Nazis), which guarantees the dignity of the individual human personality.

The five-fold increase in the U.S. incarceration rate since 1971 when Nixon declared a war on drugs owes a large part to the mandatory minimum drug sentencing laws enacted since the Rockefeller drug laws in New York in 1973.

Irwin Cotler is now lauding some mandatory minimum sentencing laws. Not all such proposed laws, but some of them. This is how it begins.

Attorney General Irwin Cotler is opening the back door of U.S. extradition to give Marc Emery and Renee Boje a mandatory minimum cannabis sentence of 10 years to life in prison.

The Rockefeller mandatory minimum drug sentencing laws in New York are currently being dismantled. Do Irwin Cotler and his Liberal Party bosses need to repeat the mistakes and failures of U.S. drug laws?

That line goes down all the way back to 1971. For longer timeline charts:

Majority of prisoners in the USA are in due to the drug war. Out of over 2 million inmates. Drug crimes, drug-related crimes (such as robbing to get money for drugs that are expensive because of the drug war), drug trade crimes, drug-related parole violations, etc..

From a 2000 article:

Image galleries for Marc Emery, Renee Boje, and Nazi-like U.S. prison brutality. Will fascist In-Justice Minister Irwin Cotler bring Canada's low incarceration rate up to the astronomical U.S. level?

Edited by eco2man (Wed Aug 31 2005 11:56 PM)


Another post from that same thread:
Re: Here's what Cannabis Culture online said [Re: MedPotMarc]
      #1145254 - Thu Sep 01 2005 06:41 AM


The Nazis were persecuting the Jewish people..not cannabis consumers!

David quoted this:

To the Nazis, "Volksgift"
(people's poison) came into the good Aryan community from inferior peoples
in Asia and South America. Stringaris's book HASCHISCHSUCHT (Hashish
Addiction) [1938] abounds with such doctored racist "data".

At that late date (1938) nothing was allowed to be published in Nazi Germany without Nazi approval. So the use of cannabis was tied to the whole racist Nazi ideology.


Another post from that same thread:
Re: Here's what Cannabis Culture online said [Re: MedPotMarc]
      #1145314 - Thu Sep 01 2005 08:42 AM

The tying of cannabis use to racial superiority was both a German and US affair. Many early eugenists were American. The KKK is American.

What makes the Nazis unique is the scale of murder, torture, and/or harsh treatment that the Nazis used against dissidents, races, religions, gypsies, conquered nationalities, POWs, gays, drug users, physically disabled, mentally disabled, and cultures they disliked.

It is interesting that reefer madness reached the federal level in the USA in 1937. That is when marijuana was outlawed at the federal level.

That was one year before that book tying the use of cannabis to racial groups was published in Germany in 1938.

I bet there were other such Nazi-approved articles and books. I bet cannabis was outlawed in Germany before that. I would like to know all this. I hope some people post more info. I have been adding stuff today to this webpage here:

The Green Triangle.

Someone ought to interview the German author Lorenz Bollinger (the other authors were American) involved in that Spring 2002 issue of the Journal of Drug Issues that I quoted from.

Another quote from the intro to that issue:

Lorenz Bollinger kindly agreed to organize a group of contemporary German academics, researchers, and public officials to prepare papers for this special edition in which we present a collection of 22 articles dealing with a smorgasbord of contemporary drug issues in Germany. ... The original articles were translated into English in Germany and then submitted to us. We soon discovered that the papers would have to be significantly edited in order to make them more readable by an American audience. In doing so, we worked diligently on each of the papers, attempting to remain true to the original intent ofthe author(s) while significantly reworking the language. ... One article provides a brief glimpse at the Nazi past and its essentially prohibitionist emphasis on drug-free lifestyles;


From a different forum thread: 
Re: Exclusion, extinction. Narcotics in 3rd Reich. [Re: Zantoo]
      #1146471 - Sun Sep 04 2005 01:21 AM

Nazi drug war parallels are very relevant now that the subject has been broached by the media. Go read the thread that Marc Emery started in this Emery Extradition forum titled:
"I was wrong,I exercised bad judgement, I apologize"

Marc Emery now says that Jews such as Irwin Cotler should not be called Nazis. Because it is too hurtful to Jews.

But Marc Emery says that concerning the drug war there are many parallels today to Nazi and fascist history. And this article I posted in this thread further proves it. Have you read the article? Have you read this quote below from the article. Canada seems ready to go the path of harsher punishments, and mandatory minimums.


Until 1933 narcotics users had been regularly acquitted or sentenced to minor punishment on the basis of diminished culpability. After the Nazi takeover, however, the label increasingly switched to "addicted perpetrator," and the sentences became much harsher. With the introduction of the new criminal statute, it became possible to sentence an offender regardless of the fact that he or she had to be considered mentally insane due to substance dependence. This innovation was unanimously supported in the professional journals.11

The "mild mannered middle class" public (as you wrote) is not put off by the Nazi issue. If that was true, then why are there so many documentaries on the history of Nazism shown every year?

Some of the public is put off by people calling some Jews Nazis.

As long as we don't do that I don't think there will be much of a backlash. And as long as we don't make unproven claims when making comparisons between today's drug war and the Nazi drug war.

If we continue to make valid comparisons, and if we don't become shrill about it, and if we don't sound like conspiracy nuts, then it will be just one more issue in the many issues involved with the drug war.

This really fascinates me in the 2002 article:

Reinhard Heydrich, chief of the Reichssicherheitsdienst (safety service) and Reichssicherheitspolizei (safety police) attempted to launch a Gemeinschaftsfremdengesetzes (law against aliens to the people). This proposal was supposed to legally codify the persecution of social fringe groups and minorities. The draft - which never became law - called for preventive detention and forced sterilization for all persons classified as asocial. It would have encompassed an estimated 2% of the total population, including those refusing to work, traitors, prostitutes, those defying race regulations, criminals, and narcotics abusers.

The main criterion for legitimating exclusion is the definition of "otherness." If there are no distinct categories like nationality or color, new definitions must be created. These new definitions are instrumental in the selection of certain human populations and in their subsequent stigmatization.

As a percentage of the population I think the USA has gone a lot farther than Nazi Germany in stigmatizing and punishing cannabis and drug users. The USA somewhat instituted Reinhard Heydrich's plans. In Texas 1% of the whole population is incarcerated! 5% is under some form of correctional supervision: jail prison probation parole!

The Nazis killed some drug users by classifying them as part of other classes that they marginalized:


12 Law enforcement against narcotics users became more and more inhumane. This was not only manifested in users being classified as "psychopaths" and "dangerous mentally deranged criminals" (Freienstein, 1936/37, p. 214). The label "mentally disturbed person unfit for life" was also attributed to so-called "mentally disturbed criminals." So, in addition to many thousands of mentally handicapped people, substantial numbers of narcotics users and alcoholics were possibly murdered under the NS euthanasia program (Geiger, 1975, p. 50). Adolf Hitler in Mein Kampf (1925/1926, p. 279).

If one takes out these deaths that Nazi Germany imposed, then what the Germans did in punishing a whole class of people, drug users, was mild (numberwise) compared to the insane drug war in the USA. I don't know how many of the regular incarcerated drug offenders died in Nazi Germany. The people classified with the "green triangles" as common criminals:

*Nazi concentration camp badges - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Majority of U.S. prisoners are in due to drug war. Over 2 million inmates. Drug crimes, drug-related crimes (such as robbing to get money for drugs that are expensive because of the drug war), drug trade crimes, drug-related parole violations, etc.. USA has highest incarceration rate. The Drug-War Industrial Complex. The USA has less than 5% of the world's population, but has 25% of the world's prisoners.

And the Nazi-like racism of the U.S. drug war is even more incredible:

Over 5% of adult black males (of all ages) is in prison or jail!

U.S. imprisonment charts. By race, gender, Hispanic origin, age, drug use, etc.. U.S. state by state, felony disenfranchisement (no voting rights) laws. Links to more charts elsewhere. Institutional racism of both the drug war, and of cannabis/drug reformers.

The US drug war is the underlying engine to increase incarceration for many problems. Got a problem? Then just jail someone. The US politician's answer to many problems. Blame some people, scapegoat them, and then jail them.

Reinhard Heydrich would be proud.


Drug War charts, and more. [TopLink]