At The Stars

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JLC & Abbie
Jamie Lee Curtis and Abbie in NYC

Travis & Abbie


Name: Abbie

Age: 20 (Birthday = Feb. 24th)

Location: New Jersey/Northampton, MA/New Hampshire


-How long have you been a fan?
Since 1995, but on Ezracrack since September '99.

-How many times have you seen BTE perform live?
20 times and over 25,200 Ezramiles traveled. Am I out of my f*cking mind or what? :-)

-Do you have a favorite song and/or video?
Beautiful Mistake, False River, and Pull.

-Do you have an original copy of Surprise?
Sadly, no.

-Do you think anyone has an original copy of Surprise?
No, I am convinced it's all a big conspiracy. What kind of question is that? LOL.

-Is BTE your favorite band?
Tied for first place! With REM. But I sure as hell haven't followed REM around the country. So I guess BTE wins after all. :-)

-Which other musicians do you like?
Jeremy Toback, Enigma, Enya, Bjork, Warren Zevon, Tori Amos, Ani DiFranco, and Weird Al.

-Describe yourself in five adjectives.
Quiet, sensitive, curious, morbid, and quasi-intellectual.

-Express yourself in terms of a metaphor/simile.
I am like a simile, but I am a metaphor.

-How do your friends describe you?
They usually don't.

Pet rocks, prescription drugs, caffeine, and road trips. (Combine them all for a lot of fun!)


-What do you do to keep busy?
School keeps me pretty busy.

-Where is the place you go to unwind?
My computer.

BTE concerts, The X-Files, Kai from Lexx.

-The other kind of weaknesses:
I am horribly lazy and given to procrastination.

Interior decoration and massage.

-In response to NotShari's question, "Would you rather be Kevin's guitar pick, guitar, microphone, or sweaty shirt?"
Sweaty shirt...drip drip.

-Kevin, Tom, Travis, Jim?
(drum roll please...)--Travis.

-Favorite BTE song quotes:
And I'm fine, a little light-headed. Does that worry you? -Live Again
We both want the same thing sugar! -Pull

-Favorite "Kevin-ism":
The sexy motherf*cker butt-shake.

-First BTE show location:
Lupos, Providence, Rhode Island, September 99.

-Present BTE Desire:
I just want to hear "New Kind of Low" live and uncensored.

Added 02.02.00 · · · Updated 05.31.00