At The Stars

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Alana & Travis
Alana and Travis
Tipitina's Uptown in New Orleans, LA

Name: Alana

Age: 23

Location: New Jersey


-How long have you been a fan?
Since 1995

-How many times have you seen BTE perform live?
12 so far...

-Do you have a favorite song and/or video?
Hmmm it's impossible to choose a I'll have to say no.

-Do you have an original copy of Surprise?

-Do you think anyone has an original copy of Surprise?
Sure, somewhere out there....

-Is BTE your favorite band?

-Which other musicians do you like?
Nirvana, Counting Crows, Live, Metallica, Train, Led Zeppelin, Our Lady Peace, and about a million others.

-Describe yourself in five adjectives.
Crazy, fun, loving, cheerful, and sometimes neurotic!

-Express yourself in terms of a metaphor/simile.
I am like a hyena. I laugh at everything! (Wanna hear a good joke? What is green and smells like paint? ......Green Paint! I thought that was funny...)

-How do your friends describe you?
Hysterical. I think that has something to do with my contagious laughter....

Going to concerts and buying CD's

-Career? What do you like about your job? I work 2 jobs and I -babysit...I like to keep busy (obviously!).

I am trying to get a degree in Elementary Education...I think, unless I decide to change it...but all of that is on hold for now until I get more money....hence all the working!

-Do you eat any strange combinations of food?
Just American cheese and grape jelly sandwiches..but that's not *that* it?

-What do you do to keep busy?
Work, concerts, movies...and my addiction to the internet (mostly BTE sites) keeps my up all hours of the night.

-Where is the place you go to unwind?
Hmm I don't know...I don't think I ever really unwind....maybe I should try it!

I procrastinate way too much!

I am good listener and I kick butt at Rock and Roll Jeopardy!

-Kevin, Tom, Travis, Jim?
Hmmm can I choose more than one? ;)

-Favorite BTE song quotes:
That part in Porcelain...yeah you know which part. "And I'm fine, a little light-headed, does that worry you? Didn't mean to worry you". And many others, but I think I've rambled enough...

-Favorite "Kevin-ism":
F*** You, Jogger-Man!!!!

-First BTE show location:
Sonic Studios in Philadelphia...there were only about 40 of us sitting on the floor in front of the guys while they played in a recording studio. It was absolutely amazing!

Added 03.18.00 · · · Updated 08.20.00