At The Stars

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"I WAS going to wait until I had a picture of me and Kevin, but because this still has not happened, I guess we'll have to take second best... SANTA! ;) That's me on the left and my best friend Laurel, who is an Ezralite also, but not an internet addict like I am. :)"

Name: Allison

Age: 17

Location: Las Vegas, for now. Soon to be Provo, Utah, or Hawaii, or Idaho. who knows?


-How long have you been a fan?
not die-hard till October, '99. a little late, I know, :sniff:

-How many times have you seen BTE perform live?
Only 2. Hoping to increase greatly...

-Favorite song:
That's a hard question. I LOVE Rarely Spoken because it's the most fun (for me) to play on the guitar, but other favorites are Hung the Moon, Beautiful Mistake, A Lifetime. I have a special love for any BTE acoustic versions. My favorite of the acoustics? In the Blood and Normal Town and Heaven. I am trying to get This Time of Year for our class song. That was my first favorite, by the way, got me to realize that the little Deluxe cd I had neglected was maybe really good. What was I thinking before then?!

-Favorite video:
In The Blood

-Do you have an original copy of Surprise?
No and I'm not planning on getting one at those prices. I'm content w/ my CD-R.

-Do you think anyone has an original copy of Surprise?

-Is BTE your favorite band?
Most definitely.

-Either way, which other bands do you like?
too many... I'll try and keep it short... Matt Nathanson, Last Conservative, (e-mail me for info on how to get a free cd!!) Fiona Apple, REM, Less Than Jake, Enya... this hurts but I'm stopping.

-Name 5 adjectives that describe your personality:
1. Easy going, yet determined when it comes to certain things
2. Passionate about music (My family says, "Do you ever talk about anything else??")
3. A little oblivious to gossip or whatever happens around me that I don't care for... but still very caring about others, I can find a way to love everyone.
4. Talkative - I write a lot too. :)
5. Sporadic

-How do your friends describe you?
"Deep," odd, "die hard" BTE fan, funny, stressed, afraid of relationships, haha (boys = marriage) procrastinator, spacey, (that goes along with my sporadic thoughts) we know each others' faults well, when it comes down to it they are my friends because I'm honest, funny, (I "kill" them! ha!) nice, smart, whatever... all that boring stuff...

Obsessing over BTE, music music music, guitar, singing A LOT, acting (a little) piano (when it comes to songs I really like, like Enya) and swim team.

Not decided yet. Maybe secondary education or music theory & composition

Depends what my major turns out to be, but maybe English

-Favorite class:
English. (this is why I might become an Honors English teacher) I know I haven't worried much about punctuation and spelling on this... but I can analyze well at least. :)

-Do you eat any strange combinations of food?
PB & J with cheese. (Kraft singles preferably) Don't diss it till you try it. Cheese goes on any sandwich, really. Also, pretzels go with EVERYTHING. salsa, honey, cream cheese. mmmm. (Not all at once)

-What do you do to keep busy?
Talk with friends, write, play guitar, write music, analyze songs (LOVE it!)

-Where do you go to unwind?
Panguitch Lake... (out of town) this city just screams stress...

Did I mention before I'm a procrastinator and I talk too much for some people?

My #1 theory is do not judge others because you don't know their situation... blah blah, you've heard it all before but it's IMPORTANT! Especially listen to KONO if you need more convincing, I HATE when people make fun of someone else's appearance, it makes me sick to my stomach. OK, enough preaching?

-Kevin, Tom, Travis, Jim?
If I had to pick one, Kevin. He plays lead guitar and sings, so I can relate best. Plus, he's dang good looking! (And everyone knows I have this thing for curly hair, always have, always will.) See also: Gavin Rossdale, Elijah Wood, Kirk Cameron..... mmmm-hmmm

-Favorite BTE song quote:
"Ramen noodles at 4:30 in the morning, when we barely could survive, I was never more alive."

Besides being really cool, this reminds me of my procrastinating friends and I struggling our way through this terribly hard English class last year, haha. It was so hard, but we learned so much and became much better friends.

-First BTE show location:
House of Blues at Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas, of course. Such a great venue- Sixpence None-The-Richer or whatever opened. BTE made up for it being a little dull. :)

Added 08.26.00 · · · Updated 03.06.01