At The Stars

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Kevin & Angela
Kevin and Angela

Travis, Angela & Tom
Travis, Angela, and Tom

Name: Angela

Age: 03.05.80

Location: Michigan


Web site: Particle Girl's BTE Palace

Goes to concerts with: Kelly!

How long have you been a fan?
since 1995

How many times have you seen BTE perform live?

Do you have a favorite song and/or video?
adore too many to name (you'd be reading all day)

Do you have an original copy of Surprise?
nope, I now have a "copy" of Surprise....

Do you think anyone has an original copy of Surprise?
of course

Is BTE your favorite band?

Either way, which other bands do you like?
silverchair, Tonic, The Cranberries, V.A.S.T, Lamb, Alex Lloyd, Chris Cornell, Bush, Aventine, Shuteye (also from LA), Jeff Buckley, Super Jesus, Power Finger, Swirl360, Tori Amos, Sarah Mclachlan, Imogen Heap, etc...etc...etc....

How do your friends describe you?
Ok..these are what my friends have told me... Blunt, honest, forthright, trust worthy, loving and caring...and bitchy if woken up before

Hobbies? Collections?
I sing...write poetry/short stories. I collect *thinks* Anne Rice novels? that's the only thing I can think of as a collection...other than cds...but I can't really afford them usually so...I'll go with the novels.

I'm an office assistant at U of M

Major? Minor?
Business management/Culinary (pastry)

Favorite class?
English (music was my fav before jr high)

Do you eat any strange combinations of food?
only thing I can think of is fries dipped in my frosty at Wendy's...but that's only once a ('ll know what I am on about *wink*)

What do you do to keep busy?
I write poetry and song lyrics, work on wed sites, go to pubs with friends, plan to travel to far away place (Like Boston, New Orleans and anywhere else I can afford), and try to find new and interesting ways to pay off my debts (no...get your mind out of the gutter please ;)

Where is/are the place(s) you go to unwind?
I love to go on long walks..especially in big helps me un-wind. Normally my room's so relaxing...i have a heated water bed and a stereo system...and my comp is in my room :)

What are your weaknesses? Strengths?
Chocolates and men I know I can't have...*cough cough Kevin cough cough*...hehe *shrugs and smiles* <-- did I just say that? uhhh... ;) JK...hehe...

Response to NotShari’s question, "Kevin, Tom, Travis, Jim?"
They all have really beautiful qualities about them...not just looks but talent and personality I love them all for different reasons. They are all so sweet and giving of their time to fans...and sooo talented.

Favorite BTE song quote?
"Hope brings you luck...doors open up...and if you should fall...I'll catch you dear" <-- helped me get through a terrible time in my early teens

Favorite "Kevin-ism"?
don't have one...I love hearing the man say anything....

First BTE show location?
Cobo Hall in Detroit Michigan

Added 02.04.00 · · · Updated 08.18.00