At The Stars

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Name: Candice

DOB: 07.17.85

Location: Hillsdale, New Jersey


Web site: EzrAddiction

How long have you been a fan?
Could it be...almost 2 years? Wow, does the time fly...

How many times have you seen BTE perform live?
Sadly none. Like I told Tom, I'm concert deprived. :*(

Do you have a favorite song?
favorite song would have to be KONO and At The Stars.

Favorite video:
In the Blood.

Do you have an original copy of Surprise?
Ha! I don't even have a copy of a copy.

Do you think anyone has an original copy of Surprise?
There's gotta be some somewhere.

Is BTE your favorite band?
Of course.

Either way, which other bands do you like?
Foo Fighters, Our Lady Peace, Tonic, 3EB, Semisonic, Eve6, Stroke 9, Filter, the Offspring,the verve pipe, presidents of the usa, and a few others, but I guess they aren't that important.

5 adjectives that describe your personality:
Just 5? unique, funny, pain in the @$$....I can't think of anymore. Obviously, creative would not be a word to describe me.

Express yourself in terms of a metaphor/simile:
I am like a block of wood. I dunno, this is hard...

How do your friends describe you?
about the same way I would describe myself, I guess. But the word weird would probably come up a lot.

Hobbies? Collections?
I have a comic, which just reached page 3,000. I also enjoy headbanging in my room to really loud 80s music, and I enjoy going to yacht clubs and sipping sherry with people of culture and refinement in my spare time. (just kidding about the last 2)

Favorite class:
History is pretty cool just 'cause my teacher is a crackhead, and math because we have fun in there and my teacher is pretty cool.

Do you eat any strange combinations of food?
I like french fries and cocktail sauce, and if I had time to go through the fridge, I could tell you many more strange combos.

What do you do to keep busy?
I draw in my comic, talk on the phone, and go online.

Where is/are the place(s) you go to unwind?
My room.

What are your weaknesses?
probably obsessing over older guys that I can never have.

I guess that I'm different. Or so my "friends" say. And, I suppose, am a good listener.

In response to NotShari's forbidden question, “would you rather be Kevin's guitar pick, guitar, microphone, or sweaty shirt?”
Toss up between the guitar and the microphone.

Kevin, Tom, Travis, Jim?
You're making me choose? What if we combined them all into one person, say a Kevtomtravjim? That would work..

Favorite BTE song quote:
"Hey! Wouldn't it be great to never worry about your future never asking why? Hey! Hey? In a subdivision watching television and our lives go by."

Favorite "Kevin-ism":
There are so many...(by now you may have noticed that I'm a bad decision maker) His "come on" about selling his womb, I just love that one.

First BTE show location:
None, as of yet. ::sniffle::

Added 02.04.00 · · · Updated 02.06.01