At The Stars

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Jodi with BTE
Jodi with BTE
Slim's in San Francisco

Jodi with Kevin
Jodi with Kevin
The Eldorado Saloon

Name: Jodi Haddon

Age: 25

Birthday: April 30

Location: Walnut Creek, CA for the time being


-How long have you been a fan?
Since 1995.

-How many times have you seen BTE perform live?

-Do you have a favorite song/video?
Hmmm. I guess Porcelain. I haven't really seen all the videos.

-What other bands do you like?
Depeche Mode, the Cure, REM, Smiths/Morrissey, Tori Amos, Sarah McLachlan, Toad the Wet Sprocket, Ride, U2, the Beatles...I could go on, but do you really want me to?

Music obviously, reading, t.v., internet. I collect anything that has anything to do with my favorite bands. It's an obsession, really.

-Career? What do you like about your job?
Well, I have a job. It's amusing. My career aspirations are currently in limbo. We'll see what happens ;)

-Do you eat any strange combinations of food?
I am more or less a vegetarian. I eat what I want to. Some people think it's strange that I eat grilled cheese sandwiches with Sweet & Sour sauce. It's good! Try it.

-Weaknesses? Strengths?
Weakness - I am a pack rat. I am practically unable to throw anything away. My husband swears that I'm OCD.
Strength - I'll have to get back to you on that one.

-Kevin, Tom, Travis, or Jim?
Oh Lord. It's Travis. :)

-Favorite BTE quote:
"When we barely could survive, I was never more alive."

-First BTE show location?
The Fillmore, San Francisco, Fall of 1996 (I can't remember the date and I lost the ticket stub!)

-Most embarrassing BTE moment:
I accidentally hit Kevin in the guitar with a package of Ramen noodles while he was explaining "Under You." It was the day before Thanksgiving and he said "Now we have something to eat for dinner tomorrow!"

Added 02.04.00 · · · Updated 03.12.00