At The Stars

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Meighan, Kevin, Kristen
Kristen's friend Meighan, Kevin, and Kristen!
House of Blues

Name: Kristen (a.k.a. keewee)

Age: 24

Birthday: June 6th

Location: Delaware


Web site: Conjunction Junction

-How long have you been a fan?
Since 1995

-How many times have you seen BTE perform live?

-Do you have a favorite song and/or video?
In The Blood (both)

-Do you have an original copy of Surprise?

-Do you think anyone does?
one of my best friends does :)

-Is BTE your favorite band?

-Which other bands do you like?
DMB, Hole, Huffamoose, U2, james

-What are 5 adjectives that describe your personality?
sarcastic, fun, wack-job, outspoken and entertaining

-Express yourself in terms of a metaphor/simile.
??? my parents nicknamed me "lava-lip" when i was 6 cause i am "always running off at the mouth"

-How do your friends describe you?
i am just kristen. there is no description. "Kristen" has become a description in and of itself because i am a wack, but in a good way :)

-Hobbies? Collections?
lol... the internet and bte tape trading

-Career? What do you like about your job?
accountant, i like my bosses a lot and i like the office i work for - as far as accounting specifically - well, it pays. and there are always accounting jobs no matter what the market is like.

-Do you eat any strange combinations of food?
i am a vegetarian. that is strange.

-What do you do to keep busy?
answer lists of questions.

-Where is/are the place(s) you go to unwind?

-What are your weaknesses? Strengths?
weakness : boys who are bad for me and not thinking before i open my mouth,
strengths: my independance

-Kevin, Tom, Travis, Jim?

-Favorite BTE song quote:
cut to an interior view...

-Favorite "Kevin-ism"?
that dance during OMM (the pulp fiction? dance)

-First BTE show location?
newark, delaware - the stone balloon in nov 1996

-Response to NotShari's question, "would you rather be Kevin's guitar pick, guitar, microphone, or sweaty shirt?"
i would most like to be kevin's guitar. i think. although the mic is tempting too... i want to be them all!!!

Added 02.01.00 · · · Updated 02.02.00