At The Stars

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Melissa and BTE
Melissa and Better Than Ezra at the Lupos Heartbreak Hotel concert in Providence, RI
Melissa, Stacy, and BTE
Melissa, Stacy, and Better Than Ezra at Webster Theater in Hartford, CT

Name: Melissa

Age: 22

Location: Providence, Rhode Island


Twin: sjl (a.k.a. Stacy)

-How long have you been a fan?
since deluxe came out

-How many times have you seen BTE perform live?
umm 5 or 6 times

-Do you have a favorite song and/or video?
i love long lost... but it's hard to pick favorites i love them all

-Do you have an original copy of Surprise?
nope just a copied copy : )

-Do you think anyone has an original copy of Surprise?
yep of course.. how would i get a copy of it? lol

-Is BTE your favorite band?

-Which other bands do you like?
i love Imogen Heap, Matchbox 20, Sarah Mclachlan, Enya.... i could go on forever

-What are 5 adjectives that describe your personality?
talkative, friendly, caffeine-addicted, umm is 3 ok?

-How do your friends describe you?
i’ll have to ask them sometime : )

-Hobbies? Collections?
i love Ebay and my collection of bte promo cd’s

the medical field in general... i do aspire to become a physician's assistant

-Favorite class:
English and Psychology

-Do you eat any strange combinations of food?
for food no... but maybe my soda... i love coca - cola with lemon

-What do you do to keep busy?
Internet and music

-Where is the place you go to unwind?
i love to sit by the ocean and just let my worries and frustrations spill out to the water and wash away with the waves (sorry got a bit poetic on ya)

-What are your weaknesses?
sugar and justin (my angel)

believe or not my stubborness (it isn't always a bad thing ya know)

-Kevin, Tom, Travis, or Jim?
i'd have to say Kevin

-Favorite BTE quote:
Then lie as i scream to the heavens above that i was the last one you ever loved ~ Porcelain

-First BTE show location:
Lupo's Heartbreak Hotel in Providence, RI. Sept of 98, i believe

Added 01.31.00 · · · Updated 02.06.00